Your Love Is a Crime

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During our lunch break, Adam and I braved the paps to get to a small cafe. I waved at the cameras, but Adam and I kept an appropriate amount of space between us. Adam had been seen with girls before, but I was sure my awkwardness made the situation that less unbelievable. Now just wasn't the time, what with the album about to come out we didn't need more stress.

"Y'know, they're not gonna bite you, Nix." Adam said, holding the door of the cafe open for me, but in that "just friends" way where he was already in the doorway and just held it open lazily for me. We'd agreed on the subtle things like this before going out.

He had a hard time not pulling out my chair when we reached our table. My jaw hurt from grinding my teeth as the bazillion of flashes from the cameras bouncing off the windows

"Just remember Nixxy," he whispered, handing me a menu. "Keep the press on your side and everything will work out for the best."

The waiter took our orders and Adam and I talked about random things, though for the most part Adam stayed fairly quiet, trying to protect his voice.


Hearing "Evil In The Night" made me blush all over again when Adam looked right at me when he sang "Daggers up in your eyes." I bit my lip. Daniel glanced between us, eyebrows raised.

"Baby, your love is a crime

Danger by day you're Evil In The Nigh!"

The chorus beat dropped and Adam started doing a goofy little dance, snapping his fingers and swaying his shoulders. I grinned, my body electrified by his cute little performance.

"Bombs over Broadway

F-fire in the sky

Baby, your love is a crime

Danger by day but you're Evil In The Night! Oh!"

When the song was over, I remained seated, that stupid grin still on my face.

"Okay Adam, that was great. Let's check it and then do backing."

Adam put aside his headphones and left the booth, leaning down to kiss me.

"That was awesome, babe," I said.

He smiled. "I'm glad you liked it."

Adam was getting a little tired and whiny when Dan made him re-record the song twice more, and seemed sick of singing, but I couldn't get enough of his voice.

After listening to the playback yet again, Adam rubbed his eyes and checked the time on his phone.

"Okay, Danny, we're going to have to just finish this tomorrow; I'm exhausted and so is NIx."

I was about to interject that I was fine, but I caught Adam's pointed look and got the hint.

Dan sighed but nodded. "Fair enough. Go home and get some rest, we'll finish this tomorrow and try to get the backing again as well, okay?"

We left the studio hand in hand, traipsing through the now dark parking lot to the Mustang.

We stopped to get Chinese takeout. No one recognized us because, well, no one really knew me, and Adam wore a black hat and sunglasses. It was chill for once. We munched on egg rolls on the drive home and didn't say much.

I rolled down my window and stuck my hand out, coasting on the wind just like I did when I was a kid.

"You're so beautiful," Adam said suddenly, casting a loving smile at me.

"You say such weird things sometimes."

"It's true, babe. Believe it."

I didn't say anymore, trying to take his compliment to heart instead of brushing it off.

When we finally got home, after finishing our food, it became apparent that something was gnawing away at Adam.

I tossed a fortune cookie at him. "Whatcha thinking about?"

He flicked his hair back and opened the cookie, reading the fortune. His lips turned up. "You're future may be right in front of you." He looked up at me from under his lashes in a way that made heat rush through me.

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about. It's not bad," He added quickly at the look that must have been on my face.

"O...kay. What is it?"

"Well I was thinking maybe we should look for a vacation home somewhere. Europe maybe?"

I sat up. "Seriously? For real?"

Adam smiled at my excitement. "Yeah, 'course I am. So whataya think?"

"Totally! When would we have time to house hunt though?"

"I've found a few places online...some in or  around London, some in Belfast, Edinburgh. I know you're not a fan of South America so.."

"Yeah. Well, you'll be heading around England and stuff right?"

"Yep, but first we're stopping in Rio and Australia.

I pouted, sticking out my bottom lip. "Please take me?"

"Um, duh. You make a mess of the house when I leave you alone anyway. Maybe we can look around there too, if you want."

"Totally. Rio in the winter, Europe in the summer."

"New York in the fall, L.A in the spring." He mused.

I snuggled up to him. "Mm, sounds perfect babe."

Adam kissed the top of my head. "Good, now let's get you to bed."

I chuckled tiredly. "That sounds suggestive."

His lips met my jaw. "If you want it to be..."

I yawned. "What time is it?"


"God, I'm getting old."

I felt his breath at my neck. "Oh please, who's 32 here?"

"Like a fine wine, darling."

(Hey Glamberts! Here's another chapter! I will probably be uploading another one here either in a little while or tomorrow...I have rehearsals soon and everything in my life is revolving around that and horseback riding at the moment. Luckily, like the last chapter, this chapter was pre-written a while ago, as will the next few chapters possibly. This one in particular had a lot of work that had to be done because I wrote it as being set much later on in the story, so hopefully it's not utter crap- I apologize if so!

 Hope you are all enjoying it, thanks for reading and voting, it's what keeps me going and every single one counts!

As always I will see you in the next chapter!

Glitter on!


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