Play It Cool

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The house was quiet when I entered and for a minute I wondered if Adam was really home, but a moment later he appeared at the top of the stairs.

My lips parted a little at how pale he was. Under his eyes were purple, he looked a little uncomfortable in a long sleeved black shirt, even his lips were white.

"Adam...what happened to you?" I asked and dropped my bag to the floor. Adam tried a smile but it was tired and forced looking.

"Hey. Don't worry, I'm fine."

He jogged down the stairs, wincing as he did so, and came to stand before me.

"Listen, Nix, I'm sorry. You have no clue how sorry I am. I was a jerk, and totally out of line. It wasn't considerate of me at all to pressure you or make you feel bad about anything. Can you ever forgive me?"

I was stunned by his honesty, touched by the sincerity in his bloodshot eyes. "Adam, of course I can. I was going to apologize first, because I really need to-"

"No, you don't." He said, matter-of-factly. "Don't ever say sorry for something that was my fault."

Smiling, I reached for his hand but he moved away and I caught his wrist, which made him jump a mile, teeth grit.

I furrowed my brows. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head, dismissive. "Nothing. Sunburn, I think."

A sunburn on your wrist? I furrowed my brows but said no more. Adam hurriedly kissed my mouth, deeply, with such passion that he left me breathless.

"Let's just do nothing today, okay? How does that sound?"

I smiled into his chest and held him tightly. "Mmm. That sounds perfect." Then, boldly and definitely out of my comfort comfort zone, I leaned up to whisper in his ear.

"But maybe later we can...make up? The long, slow, sweaty way?"

He pulled back, eyes disbelieving. "You really want to?" He asked. He sounded almost...nervous.

I nodded fervently. "Yes. Please? I don't want to leave this time. I"

Adam grinned, his teeth shining and his canines sharp. "If you don't tone it down with the talk, I won't be able to wait until later."

I blushed. I was so happy to have my man back.



I had no clue how much time I would have before she got back. I had to put some concealer on my neck and pop a few more painkillers if this was to work out.

It didn't take long for me to find some pale concealer in my rarely touched makeup kit that I kept under the sink nowadays. It went on smooth, but was still too light to hide the marks, so I mixed it with some darker stuff. Perfect.

A quick change of clothes and some hair brushing later, the front door opened downstairs. I stiffened, meticulously looking over my reflection in the mirror in case I missed something.

Okay, Adam. Play it cool. Don't let on.

(Yes, I know it's very short, but you'll thank me later ;)


 Thank you for everything y'all are doing, cuz you're doing it perfectly ;)

As always, I will see you in the next chapter!


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