The End of Us

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"Adam, what's wrong?" I asked, gently, coming from behind him. He sat up straighter and sniffed; he was crying.

"Addy, what is it?" I asked again, a tad concerned.

"Nothing, babe. I didn't mean to wake you up, sorry."

I moved in front of him and saw his face. His eyes were red with purple circles like bruises on his skin.

"Adam, please tell me what's wrong."

He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "Nothing, I told you."

"You don't get upset when it's just "nothing.""

Adam was silent for a few moments before finding the words he had evidently been searching for. "I just...I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of it, tired of never having my space, of always having to worry about you being safe because there are crazy idiots everywhere that want revenge for something they never had in the first place. I want a normal life."

He wasn't done so I let him continue, even though my mind was racing with painful speed.

"I wanna be somewhere with you where no one else knows. Maybe we'd move to England and stay at the house there. We could forget about Hollywood. I've done the best I can and yet it never seems like enough. Everyone wants more; the label, the fans. I'm nothing more than an item that gets carted around from place to place to be gawked at while I spin around on my fucking music box. Singing the same damn songs over and over. It's never different. I want to give you the best that I possibly can, Nix. It isn't this..." Adam trailed off when his voice broke. I had never seen him so emotional. I pulled him to me and hugged him tight, wishing I could do more. I didn't know what he was feeling and I wasn't about to say that I did, but his heartbreak and anguish was tangible.

"I'm safe, Adam. I'm safe with you and I always will be. I can't tell you what to do when you feel this way. I won't pretend that I have the answer. You've helped so many people-including me- through such hard times and no one can ever repay you, it's true. But it's okay to show that you aren't always perfect. You're human and you get low points just like we all do, and that's alright to express, not just through your music. You can still give people hope by overcoming whatever it is that bothers you, but you don't have to wear a mask about it. It makes it easy for people to relate to you and everyone likes that."

Adam pulled away, the tears trailing down his face. He cupped my chin in his hands and kissed me deeply.

"I can't protect you," He murmured. "Most of all from myself."

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean?"

He shook his head and looked at the ground. "Nix, I can't keep stringing you along any more, it isn't fair."

My heart picked up roughly and I leaned against the counter.

"You're scaring me,"

"I don't mean to, but it's time I tell you." He sucked in a breath and a cold, almost aggressive gleam was in his hard blue eyes.

"Nix, I cheated on you. I am cheating on you, and I have been for the past 8 months."

My mind went blank, somehow hoping that my thoughts were filling the gaps of his sentences.

"Wh-what?" I asked, dazed. Eight months? That was half our relationship! "You're- you're what?"

Adam didn't so much as blink, his jaw set. "You heard me."

"Oh my god...Adam, I don't understand. Why? What the hell!?"

Adam didn't say anything but his fists were balled at his sides, knuckles white.

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