Can't Go Home Like This

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Tommy's POV

When an unknown number lit up my phone screen, I was tempted to ignore; I didn't feel like dealing with people I didn't know just then.

But, I felt the urge to so I did.


"Tommy? It's me..."

"Adam? Bro, you sound horrible! Is everything okay?"

He cleared his throat and winced. "Um...not really, man. I got smashed and pulled over- big DUI fine now but that's not the point. I need you to bail me out and DON'T tell Nix, okay?"

I ran a hand through my hair. This wasn't the first time Adam had been arrested, the last had been a bar fight with Sauli that left them both a bit ruffled. It'd been shocking to us that Adam would even dare throw a punch at Sauli, but little Sauli held his ground and fought back. Everything was fine the next day.

"Are you sure we shouldn't tell her? She'll freak if she finds out another way."

"There's no way she will! No one could possibly know I'm here! Besides, that's not the point- I need to get home, man. You know what they do to guys like me in prison. Just please come bail me out and I'll pay you back tomorrow, yeah?"

I was already on my feet and getting my keys and wallet. Ashley gave me a strange look.

"Alright, I'll be there in a few." we hung up.

"Adam's in a bit of trouble, so I'll be right back, babe."

"Is he okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. Don't go telling this to Nix, though. Adam's orders."

She nodded. "I won't."

I took a shortcut (a bumpy dirt road) to get to the police station, my mind strangely blank. I wasn't worried about Adam; I was worried about Nix and what she'd think or how she would react.

I paid for Adam's bail and sat while I waited for him to be released, hands clamped together and staring at the ground.


Adam's voice was rough and tired sounding, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"You okay, man?" I asked, standing.

He shrugged, looking sheepish and mumbling an awkward thanks to the officer who handed him his bag of stuff back.

I put a hand on Adam's arm and guided him out, watching him struggle to stay walking straight.

"That was stupid, Adam." I said when we were pulling out of the busy parking lot.

Adam rested his forehead against the glass, eyes shut. "Yeah yeah yeah, I know TJ. You didn't talk to Nix, did you?"


"Good, don't. It's not that big a deal for her to know. She'll blame herself and then God knows what will happen after, okay?"

I shrugged and made an offhand noise, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

We were silent for a few more minutes until I asked the fated question. "So...where's Sauli? I'm guessing he's not back at he house?"

Adam took a moment to reply and I could have sworn I saw him bite his lip and brush away a tear before continuing. "I don't know where he is. He just left. Tommy, he doesn't know hardly anyone here and he's upset and angry and who knows what he could end up doing!"

"Ad, he's a grown man, I'm sure he can handle it. But if you want, I can call him or something."

He said nothing, and I knew that he wanted me to.

"I think you should come over and stay with me tonight. You can't go home like this." I said, flicking on the turn signal and driving to my house.


I sighed and brushed my hair from my face.

(Hi Glamberts! Sorry this chapter is so short, I was struggling with it so hard for some reason! I'm setting to work on the next part so I may or may not have it up by this evening and if not, probably Monday. But in the meantime I thought I'd give y'all something to go with for a little while. As always, thanks so much for the reads/comments/votes!! Glitter on! ~CG)

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