On The Rocks

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I knew I'd fallen asleep with a smile on my face because I woke up the same way. Barely any light crept in from under the blackout curtains, but I could tell it was at least late afternoon.

I rolled over, expecting to see the slender form of Nix, but the bed was empty.

My hazy mind bolted awake and I sat up. Her clothes were gone, the bedroom door was ajar.

"Nix? Babe?"

No reply.

I gathered up my boxers, put them on, then slipped into my jeans, running a hand through my hair.


Still nothing.

The entire suite yielded no result so I finally called her phone. After six rings all I got was her voice-mail.

"Phoenix, listen. I don't know what's wrong or if it's something I did, but please let me know where you are. I love you..."

I dialed up Jaron's number and he said he hadn't heard from her either.

"Dammit!" I groaned, slamming my fists down on the table. I knew I had made a mistake in letting things go so far last night! In her heart Nix hadn't wanted it to be like this, yet I had been weak and let us go through with it anyway.

Our flight to L.A was that afternoon and we had to be ready for the show tomorrow, so if Nix suddenly hated me, TV viewers were probably going to be pissed that it would be just me there to talk about our relationship.

If there still was one after this...


Every single second of it had been like falling into a dream. All my broken pieces, rough edges, and lost soul had been stitched back together all under Adam's touch.

All in one night.

But now I felt sick. Wandering the streets of Las Vegas in a daze, muscles aching and lips still tingling.

Someone on a cell phone bumped into me and we both whispered a hasty "sorry."

Guilt gnawed away at me like acid. Part of me regretted what I had done so much, and the other part of me was cheering and dancing around in a field of daisies while fireworks lit up the sky beyond.

Suddenly, the memory of an old interview for American Idol that Adam did popped into my mind, the one where he and Kris Allen were asked who would take top bunk on the tour bus.

Adam's response had been quick. "I like the top."

And oh boy was that the truth.

A wild blush hit my neck and cheeks and I shook my head, trying to get the thought away. I had no clue what to do next. I'd been ignoring the constant vibrations coming from my phone- knowing exactly who it was.

But there was one person I needed to call...

"Kailea? It's me. I have to talk to you."


"I KNOW, OKAY?" I roared into the phone, kicking at the couch leg and swearing when my toe cracked. "I know the plane is in three hours I'm trying to find her, Jay."

Jay made a few more vain attempts to get me to tell him what happened, but it wasn't any of his business.

"And I don't know if she remembers. She must. But I'm not going to force into anything; if she refuses to do the interview then that's that. Give me another hour or two before bothering me again, yeah?"

I hung up without waiting for an answer. The interview meant nothing. TV exposure, confirming our relationship, none of it mattered. Nix being safe and healthy and happy was my number one concern right now.

I shot her another text, receiving no reply.

Time to get packing anyway.

Finally, half an hour later, Nix's number popped upon my screen and I eagerly answered.

"Nix! Thank God! I was so worried! Are you okay? Where are you?"

Her voice was thick and broken. "Yeah, I'm-I'm fine, Adam. Listen, I'm sorry about today. I just needed some time by myself. Uh, as for where I am I have no idea."

I sucked in a breath. "You don't have to say any more if you don't want to. Use your GPS and I'll come find you."


"Bye, babe."

I tried not to take the lack of an "I love you" too hard.

But the thought of one night having ruined everything for us made my throat swell up. I couldn't lose her. It just couldn't happen.

Please, God, Nix, don't hate me...

(DUN DUN DUNNN! Heyo Glamberts! Sorry this chapter is so short! I just got a new job yesterday and spent most of today figuring things out for that, which probably be what my schedule looks like for the next while. Luckily, I work from home, but that doesn't mean I can ignore it!

 I hope you all are enjoying the story, and let's see if I can get this chapter to or PAST 10 likes!!

 Have a fun and safe 4th of July for those who celebrate, and for those in Canada, I do believe today is Canada Day? So happy Canada Day if I got that correct!

  As always I will see you in the next chapter!


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