Broken English

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So, I woke up on my birthday three days later, feeling no different than I had the past few days. I laid in bed for several minutes staring up at the ceiling, and then my phone buzzed. I reached across and picked it up, checking the text. It was from Sauli.

happy birthday!! R u awake?

I texted back quickly. Thank u!! Well, I'm waking up lol. Is Adam up?

Nah, he's still asleep. He's had a rough couple of days.

Aw :( I know it's been stressful for him lately. What about u? How was work?

Same old same old. But I've got tomorrow off! Long weekend!

Awesome! We should all go out and do something.

Sounds like a date :)

We chatted for a couple more minutes before hanging up.

I took a shower and got dressed in jeans and an off the shoulder pink top.

Before I left, Tommy Joe Ratliff, Adam's guitarist, texted me happy birthday.

It was a quiet day. I went downtown for a while and got an iced coffee on the house, window shopped on Main Street, and when four- thirty rolled around, my cell rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Well hello birthday girl!" It was Adam.

"You took your time." I said, taking the street back to my place.

"I was busy, but I got to it. That's the point right? Listen; what are you doing tonight?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"Good. Dress to impress and be ready in an two hours. Deal?"

I was a little taken aback. "Uh, yeah. Sure."

"Great. See ya!"

We hung up, and I jogged the rest of the way home.

After another shower, I rummaged through my closet and found THE dress; a simple black halter neck with killer heels. The dress was form fitting, and skimmed at my knees.

I put my hair up in a loose top bun, letting a few trendils fall around my face. For makeup, I kept it light; soft brown eyeshadow with some sparkle, black eyeliner, and bold red lipstick.
Well, simple for me anyway.

The doorbell rang at six -thirty four, and I eagerly answered it. My jaw dropped.

Adam stood there, dressed in my absolute favorite gray suit and black undershirt, his hair swept up and back in an effortless pompadour . He was leaning against the door-jamb, a rose in his hand. He beamed, handing me the flower. "You look beautiful. Happy birthday."

I felt myself blush as I took the rose. "Thank you. You look stunning as well." I stepped aside and let him in while I grabbed my coat. "Where's the Finn?" I asked.

"He's in the car."

Down on the street, I looked around for one of Adam's cars, but only saw the shiny white limo parked across the street. Adam held out his arm for me to take as we reached the curb.

"Oh my lord. What?!" I squealed. "Is that ours?"

Adam nodded. "For the evening, anyway."

"Adam-for real! It's only a birthday, not my coronation!" I complained, hitting him playfully on the arm.

"Your birthday is a coronation, doll." We reached the limo (stopping traffic on the way), and the sleek white limo door popped open, and a blond man stood up; our Sauli.

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