Let's Talk About Us

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It was so simple, yet somehow she managed to feel guilty. I wanted to wake up and see her beside me for once, but I was afraid to open my eyes.

She was moving, the bed sank in as she slowly tried to leave, but I reached out and caught her wrist.

"Nix. For God's sake. Just stay here."

Her expression was torn but she didn't so much as regard that I had spoken at all.

"Baby. Stay here. With me. Please."


I sat up. "No. I don't wanna hear a sob story about how you shouldn't have done it. I gave you the option to stop several times, but you didn't. It isn't the worst crime. We love each other."

She whipped her head around, tears falling down her cheeks. "A-Adam. You don't understand."

I exhaled. "I may not, but I do know a few things, Nix. Stop pushing this all aside and enjoy it for once"

My stomach turned and I sat up straighter, suddenly feeling a tad awkward. "I mean...you did...enjoy it, right? You seemed to,"

She turned as red as a vintage wine. "Of course I did,"

I smirked. "I figured so. You acted like it."

She stood up and gathered her clothes. "I still shouldn't have."

"What is wrong with you? Ugh! I can't do anything right, can I? You wanted me, I let you have me. I was respectful and did only what you wanted! I get that sex is something that "means more for women" and all that, but come on! Think about me. In this moment, me. I love you, I do everything I can for you! Please just...get that."

Nix seemed shocked at my tirade, but I wasn't done.

"I feel like you're using me for a night, then try and make me feel all guilty about it the next morning! It's like a one stand but I still see you the next day!"

"Do you not want to, then?" She shot back.

I gripped my hair and fell into the pillows. "Phoenix... I want you. Always, forever."

"Then prove it," She snarled. "Make me believe it, Adam."

I gaped at her, at a loss.

She gasped in a breath, shaking. "Make it mean so much more. You talked about getting married? Show me you really want that. How do you think I feel when I sleep with you and you act like it's no big deal?! I've broken so many of my own rules for you!"

"The only way to have fun is to break rules, Nix! You're not 16 and your parents aren't going to come bursting through here and ground you! Live a little!"

"You don't get it," She said quietly.

I threw my hands up. "Oh my God. You know what? You're just so-so,"

"So what?" Nix insisted, daring me to finish my sentence.

And the hot-headed moron that I am, I did.

"You're so selfish!"

A pang of hurt crossed her face before a steely resolve masked it once again. "Fine. And you know what you are? A hormone fueled 33 year old man acting like a teenager!"

And she stomped out the door, muttering under her breath. I jumped out of bed.

"Yeah? Who's acting the teenager now? Talk about a hissy fit! And what are you mumbling under your breath, missy?"

Nix flipped me off and slammed the door of her room shut.

"Oh my God, you ARE a teenager! Maybe I never should have dated someone so much younger than me!"


I slammed my own door shut, kind of stepping on my point, and stormed off to my bathroom. What the hell was wrong with her?!


Maybe Adam was right. Granted, he didn't say it in a very nice way, but he may have had a point...

I stood in the middle of my room, staring blankly at the light gray walls, the picture frames and collages of my family, friends and I. Adam had the most space taken up. He had sent me pictures of him at every famous landmark from every country he'd been to on his tours, and a few of them I was in when I'd been able to join him. One of my favorites was like something out of a movie. It was of him, dressed in a long black pea coat with the collar turned up, standing in the snow in front of the Eiffel Tower. He held a single red rose out stretched like he was handing it to me from the other side of the world.

What was I supposed to do? I knew he still loved me, because I still loved him, but it was frustrating. Both of us were stubborn so an apology would probably be long coming.

After an hour of a cold shower (SOMEONE must have used up the hot water), and sulking, I opened my door a crack and peered out. Adam's door was still shut and loud music boomed from inside I made a run for it and tiptoed down the stairs quietly as I could, grabbed the keys to the Benz and dashed to the garage.

I felt nothing-I was numb. I stared at the road ahead until I reached my sister's house.


I'd have to tell her. The stress of a secret this huge was causing me to lash out, and would only make things worse.

You'll lose her. She will never want you again. Because you're an idiot for doing this.

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, hands in my hair and fighting back tears. Everything she'd said was right.

Sleeping with someone didn't mean much to me anymore. I hated being lonely, but there's was no attachment. With her, of course, it was different, but it felt like my heart and mind had stopped working. I wanted the rush, the energy, the pleasure. No commitment. The exact opposite of what Nix wanted and what I had told her. In the moment, love was coursing through my veins like molten iron that night. I was so stupid. Stupid to tell her something I wasn't able to fulfill. A promise unlikely to be kept.

Because she deserved better than me. What I set myself up for was what I would always have, too far down that road to turn around and erase my tracks.

While I wallowed, my phone vibrated so ferociously that it danced off my bedside table and to the floor. The screen lit up and I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood.

Speak of the devil.

I reached for the phone and read the text without much emotion besides the burning self-loathing that was normal for me nowadays.

Don't reply. Break it off, you need help, Adam.

But my body went on without me and my cold fingers typed out a response:

No, she doesn't.

(Ohhh boyy. Sorry if this was a tad raunchy (but let's face it: we've ALL read some pretty dank Adam fics xD

So. This will probably be my last update until next week :/ I tried to make this as long as I could for y'all!

THANK YOU SOO MUCH for 5k+ reads it's insane!

Also, I want to apologize AGAIN if I am getting my own facts wrong! I was really lame about keeping things straight because I never figured I would need to, but I will try to do better in the future :)

So, as always, I will you in the next chapter!



P.S The song. I'm sorry. I had to. lol)

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