Fame and Fortune

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The traffic was insane, but with our special passes we got through some tough spots rather quickly.

We were directed into a back lot that was totally checker block full, and stopped at the curb, where two bellhops helped to gather our stuff while a valet went to park the SUV: we'd be taking a limo to get to the actual venue. The building was like a converted warehouse, and was absolutely bustling with people. Long gowns, freshly pressed tuxedos, and literally large plastic totes of makeup were being rushed around.

"Oh my gosh, they better not put that much crap on my face!" I exclaimed.

"They don't need to," Adam smiled, holding my hand tightly. I saw his eyes dart to the bracelet, eyebrows furrowed for half a second.

We eventually found our dressing room, which was pretty large and with two individual changing stalls, a long makeup counter with plenty of lighting, and a couch.

I grinned at the tall, dark skinned man who was texting rapidly on his phone.

"Sutan!" I said, hurrying to hug him.

"Girl! Let me look at you," he said, beaming. He held me at arms length. "Damn Nix; you look fantastic!"

"Thanks, it's all been in preparation for tonight, so let's hope that dress still fits perfectly!"

"Well, if it doesn't, I can fix it in a flash." He said, a twinkle in his deep brown eyes. Sutan indicated Adam.

"Alright beast, get that perfect butt in the chair."

Adam held up his hands in mock defeat, giving Sutan a hug before he sat.

My makeup artist arrived seconds later. Her name was Jade. She had bright pink hair, pumps, and a short black dress, with a septum and nose piercing that matched her well, and I was totally jealous of her on point cat-eye.

We shook hands and got to talking while she started on my hair, working as best she could with my waves and random curls. She kept most of it down, twirling and pinning a few loose locks back with a dazzling sapphire hair clip.

Once hair was done, she moved on to makeup. I told her I'd like to keep it subtle, and she did a fantastic job with the natural face look, but spent meticulous time perfecting my eyeliner and glitter à la Lambert style.

"Concealer was such much easier before you grew this thing on your face." I overhead Sutan complaining to Adam, who laughed.

"Melvin stays!"

I looked at the clock on the wall; 45 minutes till everything began for us. My leg started shaking.

"Sweetie, gotta hold still! I know you're nervous." Jade said, pulling back from my face so as not to damage anything.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

Okay Nix, this isn't too hard. You got this. Your boyfriend is going platinum around the world and is the hottest thing in music right now.

No pressure, then.

Jade finished my makeup by carefully contouring my lips with a shimmering pink lipstick, then whisked off to quickly steam my dress.

Adam perched on the leather couch, smoothing down the collar on his suit almost obsessively.

"Okay, Nix, your turn!" Jade said. She helped me slip into the gown and zip it up, straightening and tweaking anything that was even remotely out of place.

I groaned when I stepped into the heels and Jade strapped them on. "I'm gonna die in these!"

She chuckled. "You only have to walk a little ways, pose for some pictures, walk some more, then sit for two hours and you'll be good! Then comes the dancing."

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