You Know Why I Did

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I hugged my sister farewell, feeling much more content than I had been yesterday, having cooled off and finally gotten a call from Adam. I was a bit worried because he sounded exhausted and strained, but maybe it was because he done the smart thing and been up all night, wracked with guilt and trying to find a way to apologize.

The drive back was quiet and pleasant, and I shot Adam a text when I was half an hour out but he didn't respond for a while.

Kailea had given me some good points about relationships, but suggested it to be tailored to Adam's personality. She helped me to see Adam in a different light, where he might have been coming from. I mean, he was a guy. Every guy wants the same thing, and though Adam was respectful and sometimes understood what I was trying to say, he didn't have permission to use me carelessly.

Adam lived fast, lived in the moment, wanted things right away, spontaneous. I wasn't really like that, but I was learning to be.

When I pulled into the driveway, the garage door was open but Adam had parked the Mustang outside so the space was for me.

With a big breath, I collected myself and made the walk to the house.


I didn't tell Tommy where I had been. I only told him why I was in the hospital and he was smart enough not to push the subject.

His brown eyes filled with worry and pain when he saw me struggling to get the hospital clothes off around my aching and bandaged arm.

"Well, fuck, Adam. What the hell happened to you?" He sighed and crossed his arms.

I shot him a cold stare. "Just help me get out of this and into my real clothes."

Tommy raised an eyebrow. "Whoa, been a while since you wanted me to help you get dressed. Or rather, undressed. Don't think you we should get drunk first?"

I sighed angrily. "Tommy, c'mon. I have to get back before Nix does."

He cocked his head. "She doesn't know you're here at all?"

I shook my head and swallowed-had to be careful now. "No, she doesn't. We had a huge fight, she left, I...didn't handle it well."

Tommy came over and untied the mess of string at the nape of my neck and the gown fell from my shoulders and onto the tile floor.

He grabbed my folded T-shirt (the hospital had been kind enough to wash the blood off) and held it so I could ease my arms in, then popped it over my head.

"Anything else?"

I sighed. "Yeah. Pants."

I got my pants undone fine, but couldn't get my jeans on- they were too tight. Tommy chewed his lip before he nodded and pulled my jeans up, having to reach around my body to untwist the red belt.

I was a little embarrassed, but the blush that was tainting TJ's ears and the back of his neck made me smirk.

When he went to zip up the jeans, he pulled the belt too hard and caused me to be pulled up against him. Tommy's hands froze and he refused to look up at me.

"You sure you-you couldn't have had a nurse do this?" He asked quietly.

With a sigh, I tilted his chin up and looked into his chocolaty eyes.

"Few people know me better than you, and there are even fewer that I trust."

"You're trying to make a point. You're in a dangerous place, Adam."

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