Sneak Peek or...

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"Don't you dare leave me. Don't you dare, do you understand?" I brushed back the sweat drenched hair from her forehead.

"Don't. Nix, stay here with me...with us...I won't be able to do this alone and you know that. I'm a mess without you." I choked on my own tears but let them fall.

"I want to save you, baby. But I don't know how. Tell me how, Nix, and I swear I'll do everything I can.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"You can hear me and I know it. Remember our first kiss? How magical that was? How taboo it was and how dangerous we felt? I never want to give that up, honey. Not as long as I live. And I promised you that-we both did. The story isn't over, Nix. We've still got chapters and chapters-maybe even a whole series and I want to see it through till the very end. Listen to me."

Beep ba-beep. Beepbeep.

I planted a soft kiss on her cheek while the world swam around me.

"Don't leave me. Not like this...You damn well better wake up! For me...

"For me..."

( Well, hm. Who knows? 

Only I *evil laughter*


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