You'll Be Begging

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It was the first time Adam would be away from me, and I wasn't very excited. I thought it would be a good time to do some job hunting while he was away, even though he was adamant that there was no need for me to do so. But I didn't like the idea of mooching off of him all the time, even if I was now living with him. Besides, there was nothing for me to do. I had no shows, no interviews, nothing to do but just sit around the house, maybe sneak out the back door so that I avoided any prying eyes from the neighbors.

Adam and I were still at odds as to when we would go public. Neither of us were in any big hurry to have all the added stress surrounding us. I stayed out of his Snapchats or social media pages for the most part, and we kept them as platonic as possible. From the moment we'd become close friends people had started shipping us (and sometimes with Sauli thrown in there-*shiver*) and even came up with ship names, the most popular one being "Anix."

It made a tight, hot feeling burn in my chest when I saw these, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it...

The morning Adam left for Poland, I got up early to wish him goodbye. The house was still dark aside from a light in his bedroom. He was zipping up his suitcase and grabbing a sweater when I entered.

"Hey, babe," He said with a tired smile.

A flush of heat sparked in my face and I nervously tucked my hair behind my ear. "Hey. You got everything?"

"Everything except for you. Are you sure you don't wanna come?"

"Of course I want to come, but it's too late to pack and get my passport in order...but I'm gonna be here when you get back."

Adam wrapped his arms around my waist and I stood on my tiptoes, still only coming to his collarbone.

"You better be," He whispered against my hair. A shiver ran through me and he squeezed me tighter, chuckling deep in his throat.

I pulled back to search his face, immediately getting lost in his blue eyes, watching, memorized as they swirled into a dark blue/gray.


He brought our mouths together viciously, knotting his fingers in my hair and backing us up until I was against the wall. I gasped when his cold fingers touched my stomach under my loose t-shirt, spreading his palms across my skin. My mind went completely fuzzy when he slowly pulled our mouths apart, letting his tongue slip from between my lips ever-so-slowly, then biting my bottom lip gently.

A jagged moan escaped my throat and Adam's breath hitched, his grip tightened around my waist. He was panting and growling, whispering my name under his breath, murmuring his love for me as if the words alone would keep me here.

His touch, his breath, his body, his scent. Everything about him was intoxicating.

But I knew that if I didn't stop know I wouldn't at all, so putting my hands on his chest to gently push him away was an insanely hard thing to do.

A shaky giggle came from me but I was embarrassed to meet his eyes.

"I love you. God, I love you. So, so much. I don't want to leave you." Adam said, brushing back my hair.

I sighed. "I love you too. But you need this gig so you can buy me pretty things, and if you don't go now you'll be late."

He cocked an eyebrow seductively. "Yeah? What will you do to keep me here?"

I moved away from him, trailing my fingers along his chest and said in a sing-songy voice.. "Oh, who knows!"

"Ughhhh! Girl, you're gonna drive me crazy!"

"But you love it."

His voice dropped in octave, making him sound like a wolf. "You'll feel it when I can finally get you all to myself."

My eyes widened and I was glad I wasn't facing him. "Y-yeah?"

"Hell yeah. And you'll be begging me..."

I cleared my throat and shut my eyes as a cold spasm raced over my spine. "Wanna bet?"


"Adam, you need to get going." I laughed, flopping onto his half-made bed.

"Fine. I'll call you when I get there?"

"And when you land." I reminded him. He came over and kissed my forehead sweetly.

"Of course, baby doll."

I swatted him away. "No go! I don't want Luke or Chris to yell at me. Say hi to the guys for me."

With Adam gone, I crawled into his bed and hugged his black body pillow, inhaling his musky, masculine cologne that was like a ghost of him next to me.

A whole week without him. A whole week where he could get into all sorts of trouble...

Stop. He won't cheat on you. He won't do that again.

Adam's soft voice, husky and breaking every few moments met my ears as I fell asleep, dreaming of his magical, addicting kiss, captivating touch, and devastating eyes.

God. Seven days had never felt so long.

( Hello Glamberts! Whew! Another update already-thank the writing muses! Hope ya'll like all the fluff :P Thanks as always for the votes-it's what keeps me going! Feel free to leave some feedback/encouragement.

 As always, I will see you in the next chapter. 

Glitter on <3~CG)

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