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Hey everyone!
I thought I would just give you all a short update about my silence of late. I've been so busy!
With my favorite holiday coming up, I've been working on the costume I probably won't wear anywhere 😜 I'm making a Winter Soldier from Captain America from scratch which takes a loooottt of time (and money 😧.)
I've also been getting ready for NaNoWriMo next month!! So that has given me hours upon hours of setting up that needs to happen- but I'm excited! As I've said previously, I wanted to finish up B.G this month, but I don't see that happening, and I doubt I will be able to update very often next month. The chapter I HAVE been working on currently only has about 4 sentences 😒 some major writer's block happening here folks!
Anyway, thought I would let you know what's been going on!
Thank you for over 9k reads, over 400 comments, and 500+ votes!! Insane!!! Keep 'em coming!
Big shoutout to my new readers! Welcome!
Don't forget to check out my bio for links to my YouTube, where there are the book trailers for B.G AND the upcoming sequel; White Hold!
Check out the book's official Spotify playlist as well, under the same title :)

Also, I would like to extend my condolences to those who have been hit by Hurricane Matthew. I hope if you are in those locations that you are safe. Prayers and good vibes all around!

Any questions, let me know down below!
And as always I will see you in the next chapter!!

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