Crashing Down

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The next morning, I woke up at a quarter to eleven, feeling well rested. I stumbled into the bathroom and quietly brushed my teeth and washed my face. On Sundays, I usually stayed in my pj's, and today was no exception.

I peeked out into the living room and saw Adam, still asleep, with one arm under his head.

I crept to the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of juice, taking my time to wake up.

After about fifteen minutes, Adam began to stir, yawning and sitting up. He rubbed his eyes and ran a hand through his wilting hair.

"Morning," I said, walking back into the living room.

"Hrmrmp," he mumbled back. He reached for his phone and sleepily checked his messages.

"You know, I remember a time when you used to actually greet me and give ME more attention than your new phone." I joked.

Adam gave me a look, set down his phone, and opened his arms wide. I grinned and bounced over to him. He held me close for several seconds before letting go.

"There. Happy?"

"Yep." I sang.

"Sauli will be by in twenty minutes, that okay?"

"Of course. I'd offer y'all breakfast but you know I don't cook on Sunday's. But you're welcome to raid the fridge."

Adam bowed his head to his cell, thumb flying across the screen. "He said he's got muffins and hot chocolate. Good?"

"I love your boyfriend." I said dreamily, leaning against the counter.

"That makes two of us." He stood and began folding up his blankets and putting the jackknife sofa back to its upright position. "Do I have any regular clothes here?"

"Yeah, but you haven't updated them in a while. Check my closet."

He did, and found a pair of jeans and a dark blue V neck. "If only I had my hair stuff." He mourned, trying to spike his black hair.

"I think you'll live," I said.

A few minutes later, Sauli knocked on the door and I let him in.

"Hello beautiful," I said, kissing his cheek. He returned the gesture, and handed me two white bags.

"I brought a bargaining chip to get back the boyfriend you've stolen." He said in that light, lilting accent, his eyes lighting up when Adam rounded the corner. "Ah, there he is."

Adam bounded up to Sauli and practically picked him up in a hug. "Kaipasin sinua vauva," he whispered, briefly kissing his neck.

"Hey hey! I'm trying to eat here!" I said loudly, lifting my muffin. I didn't know what Adam had said, but I could guess. I was behind on my Finnish lessons.

They snickered, breaking apart. Adam dug into the bag and took out two chocolate muffins, handing one to Sauli.

"How was work last night? " Adam asked, leaning against the counter and biting into his muffin.

Sauli shook his head, staring at the ground. "It was hell. Like always. I just wish he would quit pulling me back in as soon as something fun happens."

I nodded. "Believe me, I understand that."

We all munched in silence for a while, the morning sleepiness still hanging in the air.

After a time, (and another muffin), I asked the boys what their plans were for the day.

Adam shot Sauli a smoldering glance. "Oh I dunno... I'm sure we'll find SOMETHING to do."

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