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It was a silver chain bracelet with a small black heart on the clasp. A tiny heart was inside the bigger one; Tiffany blue.

"Adam, you're spending too much money on me."

He scoffed. "No way. I love to anyway. So, do you like it?"

I turned to him and stood on tiptoe to take him in my arms. "I love it."

He sighed happily. "Good. It's yours."

My first instinct was to keep fighting him about the price, but I bit my tongue.

Fifteen minutes later we walked out of the store, Adam holding my hand. My wrist was now sporting the gorgeous bracelet and I couldn't stop beaming. Luckily, the paps were gone.

"So, you said you'd seen the bracelet before...when?" I commented lightly, swinging our hands.

"I saw it on-line on an add." He shrugged.

"Oh." I turned my head to the side, hiding my smile.

Adam was a good liar, but I knew him even better.

At lunch time, we found a cozy inside/outside bistro that was just busy enough that we didn't draw much attention. But Adam nervously fingered his hair over his eyes again while we waited for our table, shifting his glance around.

"Ad, chill. You're making me anxious." I said quietly, slipping my arms around his waist. It still sent jolts through me that I could do this: being all over him and having him feeling the same way. With a sigh, he rested his chin on my head. I was only about the height that Sauli was (maybe an inch or two shorter), but it had the same effect; feeling protected by a giant, fierce, angel of a teddy bear. Who had the arms and abs like a major athlete.

"Kiss me," I said quietly, looking up at him.

His conflicted, nervous blue eyes skimmed over my face, coming to rest on my lips. He leaned down and pressed a feather-light kiss to my lips.

"There. Is that good?"

I quirked a brow. "For now."

Finally back at the hotel, and it was almost dark. Adam and I sat and relaxed for a few minutes in the huge living-room. He'd kicked off his heavy boots and jacket and was lying on the couch, eyes shut.

"So, we gonna hit the pool?" I asked, knees to my chest.


I found the only suit I'd brought, and groaned. It was a black bikini with a tiny pink heart on the bottoms.

I changed into it and immediately felt self-conscious; it wasn't that I didn't look good in it, it was just the fact that it would be just me and Adam and me wearing this. I'd worn bikinis to the beach, but Adam was with Sauli, there were other people around and everything was chill. But not this time. Now it was different.

Slipping into a blue fluffy robe, I treaded my way to the rock cave.

I waited until Adam arrived, only dipping my toes into the warm water.

A whistle from behind made me turn. Adam stood there in dark blue swim trunks, with no shirt, his hair tossed back in a messy, grungy fashion.

"Hey, handsome." I flirted.

He grinned and dropped his towel down on a chair, then took the steps into the water. He waded over to me and held out his hands. I took them and he helped me in.

We said nothing. There wasn't really much to say; we were just fine being this close together.

"This has been one hell of a week, huh?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me and resting his cheek on my head. I nodded.

"And I've just been following you around not doing anything. You must be so tired!"

Adam chuckled. "Babe, don't downplay how much work you've been doing. It takes a lot to clean up after me and put up with all my tantrums."

"Pfft; hardly tantrums. Although you do make a considerable mess."

He laughed, then swept me into his arms, face lit up like a little kid's.

"Adam, no! Don't-" But my exclamation was stopped short when he threw me under the warm water.

Surfacing to see his grinning lips, I spluttered and splashed him back.

"Hey, hey! Alright I get it!" He said loudly, trying to block the waves. I jumped at him, succeeded in pushing him under.

I chanced opening my eyes to see him, holding onto my hands, his red-brown hair floating in a halo around him. Then, he opened his eyes to look right back at me. I gasped and bubbles clouded my vision before I surfaced, Adam following.

He coughed a laugh, slicking back his hair. I couldn't move when his eyes locked on mine; I knew that look.

Everything around us fell silent-a scene from a movie where the soft, romantic music would start playing. Except this was even better, because it was real.

"I love you," He murmured, the water parting around his frame when he moved closer, slipping a hand to the nape of my neck.

Words failed me but I knew I didn't need to say anything. Adam's lips met mine and I sank into the kiss, tangling my hands in his wet hair, kissing him with a ferocity that shocked even myself.

When we pulled back, I caught Adam muttering something under his breath that sent heat ripping through me.

"One night...I swear..."

I still felt breathless when he began to kiss me again, picking me up and holding me around my waist.

Somewhere, out in the living room, I could hear Adam's cell ringing which caused me to start to break away, but he held me tighter.

"Forget it," He whispered against my mouth, biting my lip and moaning into my mouth.

"Adam," I warned.

"Nooo." He whined, kissing my jaw, tilting my head to the side.

"Uh uh, babe." I extricated myself away from his lips and put my hands on his shoulders, looking him dead in the eye. "Addy, come on. I know...I know it's hard, but please. For me."

He sighed heavily but let go of me, flicking his hair from his face.

"Well, I didn't say let go." I pouted. Adam laughed and placed his hands on my hips and I put mine on his shoulders and we started swaying from side to side.

We didn't need music. Adam was the music and everything about him made my heart sing. Our heartbeats were the bass line to our quiet, private dance.

"Adam, I love you..." I whispered.

"I love you too, baby."

(Did anyone else get surprised by the last chapter? Haha. So I'm pretty much out of the woods from my cold (yay!) So hopefully more chapters will be coming soon, but things are getting intense for me because my show goes on next Friday! YIKES! So not ready!

Anyways, hope you all are having a great week, and thank you for 3k reads!! Keep it coming!

As always, I will see you in the next chapter!


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