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Adam's POV

I looked at Sauli, who had his arm around Nix, giving me a disgusted expression as he walked out of the bar.

What have I done? I just slapped my best friend, and I don't even know that she'll forgive me.

Nix. I'm so worried.

Why Adam! Why! Why do you have to be so stupid sometimes! Sauli is not happy with me. Nix is disappointed with me.

Police put me in handcuffs and dragged me out of the bar.


I was put in the back of the police car and the policemen started driving. I was kicking my feet, pleading for me to be released, to be out of the handcuffs.

The cold metal, that shouldn't be on me.

I should be with Sauli and Nix (wherever the heck they went to) apologizing not only to Nix, but Sauli too. Oh, I guess Sauli was also being taken in...

We arrived at the police station and they took me out of the car.

Seriously, I should not be here.

I move around to try to break free out of cops grip, but their grip got tighter on me.

So tight, my skin was turning white.

I was put in a room for questioning. I sat there and whacked my head on the table.

Can this day be over?


"Mr. Lambert?" A voice said.

I brought my head up from the table and looked at who called my name.

"Yes?" I mumbled.

"You can make one phone call for somebody to pick you up." The officer said as he took the handcuffs off of my wrists.

I fell asleep with handcuffs on me?!

I'm disgusted with myself right now. I walked over to the phones and dialed Neil's number. Thank goodness he'd decided to come along this trip as a vacation.

It rang for about five seconds before he answered.

"Hello?" He mumbled.

"Hey, Neil. Can you pick me up.?


"Neil, I mean it. I'll smack you SO hard you won't sit for a month."

"Fine! I'm guessing you're in jail?"

"Yes I am. I'll explain to you later."

"OK. I'm on my way. I'm guessing you're at the only one in town?"


"Well hopefully it will be the last time I go there during this trip, Adam."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Thanks little bro. Bye."

"Shut up. And bye." And the phone blipped at the end, meaning he'd hung up.

A cop led me back to the room and I sat there, waiting for Neil.

"Adam? Wake up. You're in a pool of your own drool." Somebody shook me.

I bolted up and wiped the drool off of my face and then made a face at the pool of drool that was on the table.

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