College Again?

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It was either intern full time for six months, or take some college courses. Personally, I'd loved the challenge of school and the commitment, the drive, so I began to entertain the idea more seriously. I HAD to have something to do. I hated mooching off Adam, even though he wanted nothing else than to shower me with anything and everything I wanted, I wasn't that kind of person. I liked to earn things for myself. Besides, it would give me something to occupy my time with when Adam was at the studio. And when he would be gone on tour, I just couldn't keep up with him the entire time.

So, at seven that evening when Adam got home, I decided I'd tell him. We munched on some leftover homemade pizza we'd made together the previous night, neither of us saying much for a while.

"How was the studio?" I asked, taking a sip of my soda.

Adam shrugged, leaning on his elbow and picking at his food. "It was okay. It was really stressful for some reason today. Everyone was at each other's throats. I dunno. Maybe it's because Brian is coming in Thursday and getting everything ready for him is time consuming."

"Brian May?" I asked.

Adam nodded. "Yeah, got a guitar part for him. I recorded a demo for him with the idea of a riff, got Jackson to play it for me, then sent it to Brian to polish up and change if he wanted. He loved it and agreed to fly in to record it. I told him he didn't need to; a studio rec of him playing was more than fine, but he insisted."

"That's so nice of him. I feel like it's been forever since I saw him last,"

"I know. It's weird to think how long ago the Queen tour was, and yet how it wasn't long ago at all, in retrospect."

During the Queen tour, I'd only gotten to see Adam twice in the entire 16 months; Christmas and my birthday. It'd been rough, but I knew it was nothing compared to how hard it must have been for him and Sauli. Even though then they weren't really dating again at that time, the attraction was obviously still there and burning brightly. But even Sauli got to see Adam at lest a dozen times in Europe. That had made me a little jealous.

But hey, I had it pretty awesome now.

"So how long until the album is done, do you think?"

Adam brushed the crumbs off his hands and pants. "Um...two months? That's our goal. I've got 3 more songs to finish up, photo-shoots, cover art, tour dates to book, get the last scenes for "ANL" done, the single to release then constantly drumming up press."

"And when do I get to hear it?" I asked sweetly, leaning closer to him across the island.

Adam chuckled low in his throat, also leaning in, looking up at me from under his dark lashes. "When everyone else does, babe."

"Babe!" I whined. "Come on! I've heard three of them so far!"

"You've heard like, fifteen seconds of them. Illegally too, I might add."

"It's hardly "illegal" when the artist himself leaves the playback equipment running and the studio door open."

Adam came around the island and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his warm, lean body. "That may be so, but said artist's nosy girlfriend should have known better than to linger."

I rolled my eyes and stood on my toes to kiss him. Adam sighed and melted into my mouth, his hands dropping to my lower back. I moved my arms to rest around his neck, allowing my lower body to press against his. He moaned, and a shock of heat rocketed through me. He parted my lips and his tongue overpowered mine easily; it was like it was our last kiss and he was desperate to remember every detail of my mouth.

It was a Glam Nation worthy kiss that had brought scores of Glamberts to their knees (including me.)

Adam broke away from me slowly, letting our tongues linger together and scraping his teeth over my bottom lip. My eyes fluttered open, secretly hoping he wasn't finished. Our chests touched as we caught our breath, and Adam's piercing, beautiful blue eyes scanned my face, stopping to stare into my own.

The love and devotion I felt for him in that moment was overwhelming, made me weak in the knees.

He pressed his pink lips to my jaw; his tongue darting out to lap up every inch of my skin. Suddenly, Adam rolled his hips up into mine and I gasped, tightening my grip around his neck. My head dropped to the side and Adam left small little nibbles all up and down my neck, continuing to roll his hips into me.

He twirled me around so that I was against the island, then braced himself with his hands on either side of me. I sneaked my arms around his middle, trailing my hands down to his belt buckle, holding us together.

It was a hazy fifteen seconds before I gently pulled away. We didn't move apart, and I didn't look at Adam's face. His eyes were still shut and he rested his forehead on mine, our hot breath mingling, our heartbeats like sonars through still waters.

"I'm...I'm sorry," I whispered, ever so slightly shifting my hips away from his.

Adam loosened his grip on me. "Nix, don't ever be sorry for having standards and morals. It's me who should be apologizing. It's not fair to either of us."

He stepped away and straightened his shirt, a flush on his freckled neck and cheeks.

It was a tense, almost awkward few moments that followed before I cleared my throat and tried a smile.

"So...I wanted to talk to you about something," I said, hand clenched around my soda can.

Adam glanced up from his plate. "Yeah? What's that?"

I explained to him my thoughts and he sat up taller, head tilted and listening seriously.

"So...what do you think?" I finished, twisting my hands.

"Well," he said slowly. "If...if that's what you want. I understand wanting to go back to something even better than working at Cotham's. How long would you be taking classes?"

My hope latched onto his curiosity. "Probably around six months? And after that it shouldn't take much time for me to find something, what with my resume."

"So you'd be right in the heart of things when the tour starts?"

"Uh, yeah. I mean, unless you want me to start after but I'd really rather get started on this ASAP, y'know?"

Adam nodded, and I realized that this was a unexpectedly hard decision for him to make. He knew that no, he wasn't actually going to make up my mind for me, it was more that he was trying to find the right words.

"Yeah, that makes sense. Um, well, I totally support you, Nix. I know you'll do amazing and that this is what you want, so go for it."

I grinned and skipped over to him. "Thanks, baby." I brushed my lips to his.

(Hey Glamberts! I'm sorry if you're confused- this chapter is still under a little bit of construction, but is more or less along the timeline I had originally planned, so over the coming days, I will hopefully find time to fix things up a bit. I'm just getting anxious for this story to start rolling, so I thought I'd jump a little ahead and get going. Gotta at least keep updating am I right? :P

Thank you for comments, reads, votes, and shares!! It really keeps me writing:)

As always I will you in the next chapter. Bye-bye!


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