Kai Parker

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Kai Parker smiles as he sits down next to you at the Grill's bar. He liked you from the moment he meant you even when he was a psychopath. But when he got Luke's emotions, he started to feel more for the Y/E/C girl. Every time you smile at him, he can't help but get butterflies in his stomach. He didn't think you would like him back. How could a nice sweet girl like you like a psychopath like him? He thought consistently. You were really the first person to not treat him as psycho even though he was. You got to know him as a person. You even got him to open up to you.

"Kai? Are you listening to me?" You ask pulling Kai out of his thoughts

"No, sorry I got distracted." He says smiling

"By what? Was it an urge to kill someone?" You question concerned for your friend; knowing he got those urges sometimes

"No, it's not that. Just was thinking about something." says Kai

"About what?" You ask

"Nothing important." answers Kai

"You sure?" You question concerned

"Yeah, so what did you want to talk about?" asks Kai

"I, uh...never mind it's also not important. So what do you think you're going to order?" You say changing the subject

It was now the next day, Kai and you were at the mall shopping. The Founder's Ball was coming up and you had to get a dress. Kai was coming as your date but only as a friend date. You so far have tried on a few dresses but you couldn't find a perfect one until you tried on the last dress. It was a beautiful emerald color that looked beautiful on you. You smile as you step out form behind the curtain to show Kai.

"What do you think?" You ask smiling at Kai who couldn't keep his eyes off of you

"You....you look beautiful." He says staring at you in a awe making you slightly blush

"Thanks, Kai." You say smiling before heading back to the changing room

It was now the day of the ball. You stand next to Kai laughing about some joke he told you when Tyler Lockwood walks up to you.

"You look really beautiful, Y/N." says Tyler causing you to blush as Kai sends him daggers made

"Thanks Ty." You say before he walks off sending you a wink

"Are you okay?" You ask noticing that Kai looks a bit mad

"Yeah, fine, let's dance." says Kai dragging you to the dance floor

It was now after the ball and you and Kai are walking home.

"Can I tell you something?" asks Kai

"Of course. You can tell me anything Kai. You know that." You answer giving him a small smile

"Well you see I like this really pretty girl, but I don't know if she likes me back. I'm not sure what to do." says Kai nervously

Feelings are way to hard for me. thinks Kai

"You should just tell her. I'm sure whatever happens next will happen for a reason." You say giving Kai a smile small as you guys walk together

Kai stops you from walking when he wraps an arm around your waist while the other cups your cheek. He quickly pressed his lips to your soft ones. Shocked it takes a second but once you kiss him back you feel all tinglingly inside.

"I like you, Y/N Y/L/N a lot." says Kai pulling back smiling

"I like you to, Kai Parker." You say smiling making Kai's smile grow

He leans in and kisses you again.

⚠️Riverdale Season 2 Episode 3 Spoilers⚠️

First off what the hell is wrong with Hiram? Who gives a sophomore in high school rum? And then tells one to trying and strike back at a murder? A murder!! Also Regggie is so hot! Also Toni's hair is hair goals! What are your thoughts on this weeks Riverdale Episode?

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