Going with your Heart-Kai Parker

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    Y/N Y/L/N the only person in Beacon Hills that caught Kai Parker's attention in a good way. You happen to be a follow siphoner but the only difference is that you ended up not being a crazy sociopath. Which Kai found weird since the two of you actually have a similar upbringing.

    Your mom was a witch and she hated the fact you were a siphoner. She called you a freak, an abomination, and a loser but instead of turning into a psycho. You set out to prove her wrong. You joined the Mystic Falls gang and set out to help them with your limited powers. Even though you were just a siphoner, Bonnie didn't treat you any different than she would a normal witch. None of the other members seemed to care that you were just a siphoner. You are sweet as can be, not even trace of an evil bone in your body.

Kai found that interesting about you. Of course, you didn't get your title of being Gemini coven ripped away from you, but other than that the two of you were similar.

You walk through town having no magic course through your veins since you had siphoned magic from anything this week. You were practically defenseless. You digest vervain of course as well as caring a small stake in your purse, but none of that can really protect you from a certain Portland native.

"Hello, Y/N." calls a familiar voice from behind you

You turn around to see Kai Parker.

"What do you want, Kai?" You ask with a sigh

    The Parker boy has been following you around recently. You went to the park and suddenly he is there too. You go to the Grill for lunch and there he is a few seconds later. You have to admit you don't mind him joining you on your daily activities through you would never admit that outloud. Kai is starting to grow on you though you are a bit weary on his intentions of following you around.

"I can't just talk to a beautiful lady with no evil intentions?" asks Kai while taking a step closer to you

"No, because you are Kai Parker." You answer

"Well, I don't have evil intentions, I'm just....interested in you." says Kai with his boyish grin

"Why?" You question curiously and a bit nervously still thinking he wants to use for some evil reason

"Because you are like me, a siphoner and a dick for a parent, but you aren't a psychopath." says Kai

"I decided to prove my mother wrong." You say as you start to walk again this time with Kai by your side following you

"Why?" questions Kai

"Because now, I get the satisfaction of seeing her face being shocked when I do something amazing." You answer and Kai thinks that over that is definitely a perk

"Yeah, but wouldn't you rather get back at her for all the horrible things she has said?" asks Kai curiosity

"No. I believe in karma and she will get hers." You answer with a shrug

"You are weird." says Kai as he checks you over

"But I like it." says Kai with a shrug

"Are you going to follow me around all day?" You question as you look over at him

"Maybe, you are the closest thing I have to a friend." says Kai

For a second, you feel bad for the dark haired boy. He didn't have any friends. You have a whole support team of friends who always are there for you. Maybe if Kai had friends growing up things could have been different for him. Then you remember who you thinking about. The sociopath without emotions or feelings. Kai doesn't care about anyone or anything.

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