Salvatore Brothers X Stiles Stilinski

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"I hate this town." says Damon as he makes a disgusted face as Stefan, him, and you walk around the town

"Oh, come on, Damon, we will be out of here in no time." You say to your older brother

You are Y/N Salvatore, twin sister of Stefan Salvatore and younger sister of Damon Salvatore. Even though your brothers can be quite a pain in the ass, you still love them.

"I hope so." says Damon with a sigh

"I like it." says Stefan with a shrug

"I never figured that our little Stef was a Cali dude, hang ten my brother." says Damon with a smirk causing Stefan to roll his eyes while you laugh

"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." You say before you zoom into a random shop nearby heading to the bathroom

"Lydia, how many pairs of shoes do you need?" asks Stiles as he watches her try on yet another pair of shoes

"A girl can never have too many pairs of shoes." says Lydia as she admires the pair of heels in the mirror

"Go see if they have these in another color. You know my size." says Lydia waving her hand at the boy in a go motion

Stiles lets out a sigh as he heads to where the pair of shoes are.

I should have known hanging out meant Lydia shopping me having to carry the bags around. Thinks Stiles

You walk out of the bathroom and head to the door only to collide with someone.

"Sorry." You say as you stead yourself

Stiles stares at you in awe.

She is so pretty. Thinks Stiles with wide-eyed as you apologize once more before you walk away

"Stiles, where are my shoes?" calls Lydia causing Stiles to snap out of his daze

"Dude, I'm telling you she was the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen." says Stiles as Scott and him walk down the hall together

"Yeah, she sounds like it, too bad you won't ever see her again." says Scott who has been listening to Stiles ramble on and on about you for the last hour

"I know, I should have gotten her number." says Stiles with a sigh before Allison and Lydia walk up to them

"Have you seen the new students?" asks Allison and both the boys shake their head no

"Their twins one is a girl with Y/h/c colored haired and y/e/c colored eyes." explains Allison

"And the other is this really sexy guy with piercing green eyes,  I can't wait to get my hands on him." says Lydia with a smile

"Here they come." says Allison pointing behind the boys

Stiles and Scott turn around to see Stefan and you walking down the hall together with a grin on both your faces.

"That's-that's her!" says Stiles with a grin

"Dude, you were right, she is really pretty." says Scott as he stares at you causing Allison to clear at him

"But you are the prettiest girl." says Scott noticing as he intertwines his fingers with Allison causing her to smile

"He is so hot." says Lydia as Stefan and you pass by the group

"They smell weird." comments a confused looking Scott

"Weird? Like in werewolf weird or like whatever they had for breakfast smells weird?" asks Stiles

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