Dylan O'Brien

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Idea Requested by @katie_da_savage

"Hey babe." says Dylan smiling as he sits down on the couch in his backstage room

"Hey." You say huge grin on your face as you talk to your amazing boyfriend

You and Dylan met while on Teen Wolf where you played Scott McCall's sister and Stiles Stilinski's love interest. You guys started dating around season 2 and have been together ever since. But after Teen Wolf ended, you were busy filming a movie and so was Dylan. So you guys haven't seen each other a few months since the locations you are shooting the movies are no where close to each other. So you were having to talk to him on the phone even though you are literally a few halls down from him right now.

"I miss you." says Dylan

"I miss you to baby." You say softly smiling

"When we see each other next, I'm taking you out a really nice date.....and then maybe we can have some fun afterwards." says Dylan from the other line and you can imagine his cute little smirk on his face as he says this

You chuckle softly.

"Sure, sounds great." You say smiling

You then hear a knock on the door from the other line.

"Dylan five minutes till we start." You hear a women's voice say

"Okay." You hear Dylan reply

"Babe, I have to go but I'll call you later. I love you." says Dylan

"Okay, Love you too." You say smiling before the line goes dead

"Y/N, five minutes till show time." says the same woman from the other side of the door

"Okay." You say smiling largely

   You stand backstage watching Ellen Degeneres interview Dylan. You are here to surprise Dylan. Your movie stopped projection for a week due to the fact the director's wife just gave birth to the cutest baby girl ever. So when Ellen asked you to come to the show and surprise Dylan since she knew that you guys haven't each other in a bit. Since Dylan and you both like to post cute snapchats about how much you miss each other. So that's why you are here. The plan is for you to sneak up behind Dylan and surprise his cute little butt.

"Now you are dating Y/N Y/N, one of your Teen Wolf costars, and two have to be one of the cutest couples ever." says Ellen

Dylan chuckles at this.

"Thank you." He says

"We have some pictures of you two. A compilation of some of the cutest photos of you two." says Ellen

You chuckle as a picture of you two shows up from on the screen of you two years ago on Halloween dressed. You were dressed as a Dalmatian while Dylan was a firefighter.

"I totally forgot about that. We look really cute...especially Y/N." says Dylan chuckling as you smile

"The next picture we have is of you two asleep on set." says Ellen showing a picture of two while you guys were filming season 4 of Teen Wolf

You were asleep on top of Dylan. His arms are around you as he sleeps with his mouth wide open. You smile at the photo Tyler took finding it extremely cute.

"You too are truly adorable." says Ellen smiling

"This is the last photo." says Ellen then it shows a picture from a very steamy scene of you two from TW season 5

You blush as does Dylan who laughs embarrassed a habit of his.

"Interesting." says Ellen looking it over

"So how it is to feel scenes like that on camera?" asks Elena

"Oh, gosh." says Dylan blushing intensely

"I mean, I like it. Y/N's a great kisser." says Dylan making you smile a little

He's so cute. You think

"It looks like you two were going just a little more than kissing." says Ellen making the crowd laugh as they clap while Dylan turns bright red

"Anyways we have a big surprise for you Dylan." says Ellen

"But you have to put this one before we bring it out." says Ellen handing him a blindfold

"Oh gosh you're gonna put like 18 millions spiders on me, are you?" asks Dylan as he holds the blindfold in his hands

"Of course not." says Ellen as he puts it on

You laugh as she mouths to the crowd "probably not" making them laugh.

"Bring it out." says Ellen

You smile and wave to the crowd as you walk on stage. Making the crowd clap loudly and a few people yell.

"Oh gosh." You hear Dylan as you sneak up towards where Ellen and he are

Dylan obviously thinking it's a scary or bad surprise. You sit down on the stool in front of Dylan as Ellen appears next to you standing up

"Okay, Dylan, I'm going to take your arm now and guide your hand to it so you can guess what it is." says Ellen grabbing Dylan's wrist

"I'm scared." says Dylan as Ellen moves his hand towards you

You try to hold in a laugh not wanting to ruin the surprise.

"It's not bad, stop being a baby." sasses Ellen as she places Dylan's hand on your knee

"This feels like a knee." says Dylan his face turning into one of confusion

"This better not a be some kind of sexual dance because then I don't know if Y/N and I will be one of the cutest couples anymore." says Dylan making everyone laughs

Then Ellen gives you the cue to talk.

"It's not a dance babe." You say smiling

Dylan looks confused before all of a sudden his face turns into a large grin and he scrambles to take the blindfold off.

"Y/N!" He says excitedly as he pulls you into a hug

The crowd awes at this.

"Well folks, this all we have time for today. Next time join us to see Justin Bieber." says Ellen ending the show

"I missed you so much." says Dylan once you make it back to your guest room, him placing his hands on your waist

"I missed you." You say before pulling the brown haired eyed cutie into a kiss

"Like really missed you." He says as you two pull back minutes later for air

You chuckle at this before you pull him into another kiss.

That day you two ended up having that nice dinner but you guys did the fun part before and after the dinner.


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