Nolan Holloway (Requested)

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Requested by @dubar9sprayberry

Stella frowns sadly as her boyfriend walks past her not even acknowledging that she had waved at him.

This has been the norm for about a week now for Stella and Nolan. He has been hard core ignoring her and she couldn't figure out exactly why. Normally Nolan is very clingy to Stella. Always wanting to hang out after school and always holding her hand or hugging him. But he hasn't asked to hang out all week nor has he hugged her once or take her out on a date.

Stella lets out a small sigh before she gets interrupted by her best friend walking up to her.

"What's wrong?" asks a concerned looking Liam Dunbar

"Just boyfriend troubles." answers Stella

"You want me to beat him up?" asks Liam making a small smile come to Stella's face as she laughs

"No, Li, but thanks for caring....but enough about me. How are your grades doing? Did you get them up for that college you want to go to?" says Stella changing the subject as Liam and her head to class

Stella heads to class when she runs into a stunned looking Liam walking out of the locker room.

"Woah, Li. Slow down....why do you look like you just saw a ghost? Is Coach Finstock pasted out drunk in a weird position again?" says Stella

"No, no, just don't go in there." rushes out Liam looking panicked

"Why are you acting so weird?" asks Stella confused before she pushes past Liam to look in the locker room

"Stella-" starts Liam but before he could finish Stella had opens the locker room door

She gasps shocked at the sight she sees. There is her boyfriend and her friend hurrying to put there clothes on.

"Stella." says Nolan shocked as he turns to her

Nolan is currently trying to quickly put his pants on. While Stella's friend just stands there not at all embarrassed in her bra and underwear.  Tears start to gather in Stella eyes upset and angry that her boyfriend and best friend obvious just hooked up.

"I can't you would cheat on me. And I can't believe somewhat who I thought was my friend would hook up with my boyfriend!" says Stella as Liam moves to stand next to Stella

"I hate you both and we're obviously over Nolan." says Stella tears falling down her face before she walks away with Liam following after her

"I can't believe he cheated on me." says Stella still shocked and tears falling down her face as Liam drives her home

"He's a jerk, Stella. Don't let him get you down. Plus I'm sure after you see him with a black eye you will feel better." says Liam making you chuckle

"You're the best friend ever, Li." says Stella as she leans her head on her shoulder

"I know." says Liam smirking making Stella roll her eyes

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?" asks Liam as Stella and him pull up to her house

"Yeah, I'm sure I just want to eat some ice cream and watch Netflix by myself." says Stella

"But thank you for caring, Li." says Stella hugging Liam

"I'll pick you up for school." says Liam as Stella gets out

"Okay, see you then." says Stella getting out of Liam's car forcing a smile on her face

"Text me if you need anything." says Liam before he drives off

Stella sighs as she heads up her driveway before heading inside her house.

Half an hour later the doorbell rings. Smiling Stella heads to the door thinking it was the pizza she ordered. Stella opens the door to reveal Nolan Holloway.

"What do you want?" asks Stella, her smile dropping

"I just.....I need to explain myself." answers Nolan nervously as he plays with his fingers, a nervous habit of his

"Nolan, there is nothing to explain. You cheated on me with my best friend." says Stella, the feels of sadness coming back after she successfully distracted herself with Netflix

"Please, Stella. Let me explain please. I need to Stella, I need to. And if you don't believe me...I'll never bother you again." says Nolan looking at Stella pleadingly

"Okay..." sighs Stella giving in as she lets Nolan inside her house

They both sit down on Stella's couch. Stella on one side and Nolan on the other.

"Look....the reason I haven't talked to you this week because she told me on Monday that you and Liam were booking up." says Nolan making Stella laugh

"Me and Liam? You thought I was hooking up with Li? Liam has the biggest crush on Theo, he is not definitely interested in me." says Stella making Nolan blush embarrassed

"I stupidly believed her but trust me I did not cheat on you. I was changing my clothes after I worked out in the reck room. She walked in with no clothes and then Liam walked in. Then you do but Stella you have to believe I did not cheat on you. I would never cheat on you.....I-I love you." says Nolan nervously

" love me?" questions Stella shocked

"Yeah I love you, Stella. I love you so so much. So much that it scares me. When she told me you and Liam were hooking up I believed her even though I know you would never do that. I was just scared because you could do so much better. I mean, Liam is a werewolf super jock and I'm just Nolan." says Nolan looking down

Stella moves to be closer to Nolan before she takes his hands in hers.

"I...I believe you....and I love you too Nolan so so much." says Stella smiling

Smiling Nolan pulls Stella into a kiss.

"Just next talk to me instead of ignoring me for a week." says Stella as they pull part making Nolan chuckle

"I will." says Nolan smiling before pulling Stella He into another kiss.


I love Froy he is just so cute❤️ Also the new season of the flash premieres tonight but I just started watching so I'm only in like season 2 so I'm like ugh! I want to see but I will probably have no clue what is going on.

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