All I want for Christmas is You-Theo Raeken

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Theo Raeken stares at you watching as you run around rushing to get ready. He chuckles softly as you rush to finish your hair. You guys are currently late for a Christmas party Scott is throwing at his house.

Once you found out the Raeken boy was having to live in his truck, you immediately took him in. Theo had a soft spot for you before he went to hell. He always made sure not to hurt you or let the Dread Doctors touch you. You were human, a pure sweet human, that didn't need to be ruined by people like the doctors. But now that Theo was with you more, that soft spot has grown into being head over heels in love with you. But he would never tell you that for a couple of reasons. 1) Liam and you are the only friends he has and doesn't want to risk ruining that 2) he lives with you and if he tells you this and if you don't feel the same, you could kick him out, and 3) he is scared. Scared of being rejected by the one person he has ever felt this way about. You were also the only person he could be honest with and the only person who is really there for him.

Theo often has nightmares at night about hell or the dread doctors. He remembers vividly the first time he got one while staying at your house.

Theo thrashes around in the bed in your guest room you are letting him stay in. He whimpers slightly as he runs trying to get away from his sister until she appears in front. In the dream, he screams before she kicks him the ground.

You ran into his room hearing him scream. Your heart was racing a bit because you have never heard Theo scream like this so you were scared thinking in your head it that there is a monster in his room. But you look around to see no monster. You look confused before you notice an asleep Theo on his bed thrashing around, screaming, and whimper. That's when it clicks in your head that Theo is having a nightmare. You run to his bedside and try to shake him away.

"Theo! Theo! Wake up, it's just a nightmare." You said finally Theo awoke and was looking around frantically

Sweat was dripping down his face. You quickly cupped his hand in your hands trying to get him to focus on you.

"Theo. You're okay. You are fine, it was just a nightmare." You said as Theo looked at you still looking unsure

Theo placed his hand on your arm as if he is trying to make sure you are real. Once he realized it was just a nightmare he lets out a shaky breath.

"I'm okay." said Theo

"Yes, you are." You said giving him a small smile

You ended up staying with Theo that night since he was a little scared to go back asleep. That sort of became a cycle every-time Theo would have a nightmare you would wake him and then stay with him until finally he just went to bed with you. That was your routine now Theo would sleep in your bed with you. You two always end up cuddling which made Theo happy.

"Y/N, we are late." says Theo as he sits on the end of your bed

"I know, just give me one more second." You say as you put on your shoes

"Okay, what do you think?" You ask standing in front of Theo, biting your lip nervously

You really wanted to look good for this dinner since you haven't seen the others for a while now. You are human so there isn't much you could do in the fight against Monroe. So you decided to go to a local college and become a nurse. Which Theo thought was really cool.

Theo looks at you in aw thinking you look stunning but he always thinks you look beautiful if he is honest.

"You look.....really pretty." says Theo, a smile on his face

Your cheeks turn a little pink and you couldn't help the smile that forms on your face.

"So what do you want for Christmas?" You ask on your way to Scott's house

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