Angel-Theo Raeken

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You groan as you land to the ground with a loud thud.

Why did I have to this mission? You think as you look at the human Earth's forest surrounding you

You are an angel sent here on a mission which you did not want to do. You had no clue what it is, to begin with, but you just knew you didn't want to do it. You didn't understand why Brittany couldn't do it. She has been begging to go on another mission since like forever. You, on the other hand, would be happy to never go on one ever again since the first one went bad. You just wanted to go back home. You pull your special communication device that allowed you to talk to people in heaven. You open it up to see step one.

Go to Beacon Hills High School and get register as a student.

You groan at the before you head towards the school.

I hate high school. You think as you head inside the building after you had gotten yourself a car

You head to the front desk.

"Hello, I'm here to sign up to go here." You say boredly

Everyone thinks angel are all nice and sweet as can be but that's not always true. Sure they are some who are totally goodie two shoes but most of us aren't.

"I'm sorry but you need-" starts the lady annoying you causing you to roll your eyes

"You will sign me up." You say glowing your eyes at the lady mind controlling the lady into doing what you want

You could only mind control humans if it was necessary for your mission or if someone finds out about you being an angel.

"I will sign you up." repeats the lady before she starts the admissions process

You head down the hall when you device beeps sighing you head into the bathroom to read it.

Find Theo Raeken it reads then attached is a picture of Theo

He's hot. You think smirking

Maybe this mission won't be that bad. You think before heading out of the bathroom after putting away your communication device

You walk into class with a smirk on your face as you walk into your first-period class hoping Theo was there. Even though he was hot, you just wanted to get your mission over with and to get home.

"This our new student, Y/N Y/L/N." says the teacher

You give a small wave as you look around the classroom when you spot Theo who was definitely checking you out. Your smirk grows at this.

"Why don't you take sit next to Theo? Theo, raise your hand." says the teacher and Theo raises his hand, his graze still intensely on you

You head towards and quickly take the seat next to Theo.

"What are you?" he whispers to you halfway through the class curiosity clear in his eyes

You look at him curiously wondering how he could possibly know you were something other than human. Then you sniff and find out he's a werewolf.

Great, just come they didn't warn me of this? That would have been useful information. You think slightly annoyed since werewolves can sense the supernatural energy of an angel

But you keep the smirk on your face not letting it falter a bit.

"It's a secret, pretty boy." You say not one ounce scared or worried about the boy next to you finding out about your secret

His eyes narrow in on you as you turn to face the front of the classroom. That doesn't bother you one bit.

You walk out of Beacon Hills High School confused to why you haven't got sent the next step. You met the boy sure he was hot but there wasn't anything special or different about him that you could point out. So what was special about him? How does this mission have to do with him? Is all you can think about until a hand grabs your forearm

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