Mikaelsons X The McCall Pack

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Idea Request by @prettylittel_wolfie

   Y/N Mikaleson, the bad one of the Scott McCall pack and the youngest Mikaelson sibling. She's a very powerful kickass original vampire.  All her family has always had a soft spot for her even more soft than their one for Rebekah. Y/N has never been daggered and stuffed in a box before. Elijah always made sure that the y/h/c haired girl has always been treated well by their siblings. Niklaus always made sure he never hurt Y/N emotionally or physically. Kol always made sure that Y/N never got her heartbroken by some stupid boy. Finn always helped when she got tired of her siblings never leaving her side. Rebekah always made sure she was there for the girl when Y/N was upset or justed needed girl talk.

    So when things got really dangerous in New Orleans, they sent her off to keep her safe and away from the dangers in Lousiana. So she packed her bags and left to Beacon Hills. Where sure it might not be as dangerous as New Orleans, but there's still a lot of supernatural threats here. Of course, none of them have the power to kill Y/N but they do her new friends. Y/N made friends with Allison and Lydia first before she joined the McCall Pack. She's been caught up on all the Beacon Hills drama. Y/N knows about the kanima problem, Allison's crazy grandma hunter, and the alpha pack. But now there's a new threat in town, the nogsitune. The bad news is that's possessing Stiles, Y/N's friend.

Y/N's heels click as she makes her way towards the library where she plans on meeting her friends. She smirks slightly as she notices many of her male peers staring at her. Y/N walks into the library to be met with a very nervous and scared McCall Pack.

Y/N was used to losing people whether it was from Niklaus dragging them or from them simply dying of age. But this time it was different, this was Stiles. Stiles, the goofy boy who is in love with her best friend.

"Sorry, I'm late." says Y/N taking a seat next to Lydia

"It's fine, but we need to figure out what to do. We can't kill Stiles but I don't know how to kill the Nogsitune without killing him." says Scott worriedly

"Wait.....what if we use Y/N's compulsion powers to comply the nogsitune to leave Stiles's body." says Lydia

Y/N wasn't so sure how well this would work since she has never tried to compel a kitsune before. She stands in front of a Void Stiles that is tied up in a chair and gagged. But Y/N fakes confidence as she stands in front of the others. Y/N removes the gag with a smirk on her face.

"Oooh, it's the original vampire. Sorry sweetheart, if you drain me, you kill Stiles." says Void

"Good thing, I'm not here to drain you then.....I'm here to compel your pesty little ass." says Y/N

"You will crawl your little ass out of my friends Stiles so we can kill you. Leave Stiles's body immediately." says Y/N while compelling Void

The others watch worriedly since if the thing remembered to take vervain this won't work. But suddenly the nogstiune face moves into one of pain as he coughs. Then some try of wrap comes out of his mouth. Quickly Y/N and Scott unty the boy's hands and feet.

"Stiles!" says Scott worriedly as the boy contained to cough up

Appear somehow the two boys ended up splitting but the nogsitune is appearing twins with Stiles and he took Lydia. Y/N stands at her house pacing around trying to figure out what to do when she realizes she needs help.

"Elijah." says Y/N once Elijah picks up

"What's wrong?" instantly asks Elijah hearing Y/N's worried tone

"I need your help." answers Y/N

"I'm on my way." says Elijah before he hangs up

You let out a sigh as you head to the kitchen.

I need food, this is stressing me out. Thinks Y/N as she grabs a blood bag from her fridge

Yes, stressing eating is also a thing vampires do.

A few hours later, Elijah shows up.

"What's going on?" asks Elijah as he pulls his dear sister who he has missed very much into a hug

"I'll explain on the way but I need you to help me kill someone." answers Y/N

"You know we sent you to Beacon Hills to stay out of trouble not to get into it!" scolds Elijah as the two of you head towards where the others are

"Elijah now is not the time for a scolding we need to kill something." Y/N says annoyed slightly with her brother

I should have called Rebekah. Thinks Y/N

Though Elijah one of Y/N's favorite siblings, he could be quite annoying at times. Especially when he goes into his scolding mode.

"Fine, but this discussion is not over." says Elijah giving you a pointed look that makes you roll your eyes

"Who's this?" asks Scott as you walk up to him with Elijah

"My brother." You answer

"Elijah. Nice to meet Y/N's friends, of course I wish it was under better circumstances." says Elijah giving the group a small smile

You guys came up with a plan and got started. You fought the oni with Elijah next to you. You continue to fight him until the piece of crap slices a huge cut into your side. Blood pours out of your sides causing you to stumble back holding your side.

"You bitch!" You growl at the thing as your cut instantly heals

"No!" You hear Kira yell

You turn and looks to see Allison getting stabbed with a sword by one of the oni. Then the oni disappear.

You watch as Scott runs to her as tears fall down your face. As you stand there stunned. You feel strong arms wrap around you and you instantly know they belong to Elijah. You sob as you hear your best friend's hearts slow before it stops. You cling to your brother as sadness consumes you.

Why her? Is all you can see think

Elijah looks at his sister with sad eyes. There was one thing the Mikaelson family couldn't stop from hurting the girl, and that was death. Death is unavoidable, there is nothing Elijah or the others can do to stop you from this pain. Elijah holds you tightly knowing right now you need comfort from your older brother.

But no matter how horrible the pain is, you would never turn your emotions off.

I'll always remember you, Allison Argent.


This my first non-romantic imagine on this book. Excited for next weeks Riverdale episode.

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