Ruined Anniversary-Stiles Stilinski

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Stiles Stilinski walks into school and quickly searches for you, his amazing girlfriend. He has a huge surprise planned for you tonight since it is your two year anniversary. Stiles couldn't wait.

"Hey, Buddy, have you seen Y/N? She isn't at her locker." says Stiles walking up to Scott after a quick visit to your locker

"No, but I think Lydia and her planned to meet up in library for some quick study for French." explains Scott

"Hey, have you guys seen Y/N? She didn't show up to study with me." questions Lydia confused

Both boys give each other oh no looks.

You are Scott's sister and Scott is quite protective of you. Scott has never approved of your boyfriends before until Stiles and you started dating. Scott knew Stiles wouldn't hurt you nor would he even think about hurting her. Stiles has had a crush on you since the first grade. So he was very happy when you decided to ask him out exactly a year ago.

"She isn't answering her phone." says Scott worriedly as he texts you for the 20th time

"She isn't answering mine either." says Stiles scared

"What should we do?" asks Liam worried as well

"Do you think someone took her?" asks Malia

"It is possible with all this supernatural stuff running around." answers Scott

"We have to find her." says Stiles

You wake up with a groan and you instantly feel pain from your head. You also feel something on your head that feels dried and sticky. You start to reach your hand up to touch it but you can't move your hand. Your eyes widen and that's when you take in the situation of where you are. You are tied up and on the ground sitting on cold hard pavement. The walls are also concrete.

Where am I? What's going on? You think as you look around confused

"First we need to figure out who would possibly take Y/N." says Stiles as he stands in front of a whiteboard with the pack surrounding him

"She isn't a human so hunters aren't a issue, plus don't know of any being back in Beacon Hills, but Gerard might have taken her." explains Stiles as he writes Gerard on the whiteboard

"You think he is a suspect?" questions Lydia

"I think he is the top suspect." replies Stiles with a serious look

You struggle trying desperately to get out of the ropes that are around your hands.

Come on. You think as they loosen a bit but you still can't seem to break free

Your heads snaps up when your hear the door start to creak open.

Finally I can see who this bastard is. You think as the door swings open

"What do you mean Gerard doesn't have Y/N?" asks Scott as he is on the line with Chris

"You sure you checked all his bunkers?" questions Scott as everyone listens

"Okay...fine. I'll talk to you later." says Scott before he hangs up

"He doesn't have her." says Scott with a sigh as he turns to the pack

"Then who does?" questions Stiles coming up blank with who would have Y/N

Where is my girlfriend?

You sit in the room as a dark figure walks in. You can't see them since the room is way too dark, but you stare at the figure keeping your eyes on them. You didn't know how dangerous this person could be so you keep your eyes on them. All of a sudden the lights flick on and your eyes widen in surprise at who the mystery figure is.

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