Full Moon-Liam Dunbar

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Liam Dunbar stares at you with in awe look. Y/N Martin, the girl Liam has admired since he walked into Beacon Hills High School.

A nervous Liam Dunbar walked into Beacon Hills High School on his first day of school there to immediately run into someone.

Great first day and I already am embarrassing myself. Thinks Liam as he moves his arms to your waist stopping you from falling

"I'm so sorry." says Liam with a blush before he notices who exactly he just ran into

Liam instantly feels like the wind is kicked out of his lungs.

I just ran into the most beautiful girl ever. Thinks Liam in awe as he stares at you

"It's totally fine." You say giving him a small smile

That was the first time Liam ever met you. Nothing really happened after that, you pointed him towards the office before you went your separate ways.

Now you might think now that Liam is a werewolf and is part of the McCall Pack the two of you would be at least a little close but that's not the case. Liam has only had a hand full of conversations with you, and those conversations lastly a solid five minutes each with Liam somehow embarrassing himself during it. Which sucks for Liam because he has a huge crush on you.

"Dude, just talk to her." says Mason walking up to Liam's side

"Mas...you know, I can't. Every time I have talked to her I say something totally stupid." says Liam

Mason doesn't know yet about Liam being a werewolf since he was just recently turned.

"She doesn't seem to mind." says Mason with a shrug

"Just go." says Mason before he pushes Liam forward to where he is right next to you
You turn to the right after you shut your locker to see Liam.

"Oh, hey, Liam, I was just looking for you." You say with a grin

"You....were looking for me?" questions Liam shocked after a small squeak

"Yeah, Scott wanted me to tell you the plans for the Full Moon tonight." You answer

"Oh." says Liam slightly disappointed

"I'm supposed to babysit you for it, but as long as you stay you know in control. I was thinking we could just watch some movies and eat pizza until the Full Moon is over." You say causing Liam's disappointment to melt away

A whole night hanging out with you, did Liam die and go to Heaven?

"Okay, that sounds great." says Liam smiling

"Awesome. Just come to the boat house, I'm pretty sure Lydia left some chains there so we should be good if you do lose control." You explain

"Sounds good, I'll see you there." says Liam
You give him a small smile before you walk away from him.

Now all I have to do is somehow learn how to control shifting during the full moon. Thinks Liam coming down from his high with a sigh

You walk down the hall minding your own business when your ex boyfriend, Gabe comes waltzing up to you.

"What do you want, Gabe?" You ask with a sigh

"Why were you talking with Dunbar?" He questions with an angry look

"Why do you care?" You ask

"Because I still have feelings for you." answers Gabe

Why did I ever go out with him again? You think

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