One Big Mess-Archie Andrews

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Archie Andrews stares from down the hall at Y/N Y/L/N.

Your Y/H/C colored hair is styled straight today. Archie thinks it looks beautiful. You smile brightly at something Ronnie had said. Your smile was one that Archie loved. He wished he could see you smile forever. Archie and you have been friends for almost as long Betty and him. You moved in across the street from him when he was seven years old. Little Archie thought you were beautiful and made a promise to himself that he was going to marry you someday. Still, to this day that promise is one Archie wants to keep. The only problem is he screwed up.

He slept with Mrs.Grundy while he was dating you. You ended things as soon as you found out. Archie was lucky that you even agreed to stay friends with him. He knew he was pushing his luck but he wants to be with you again.

"Can I ask you a question?" asks Archie as he walks up to Betty

The big Holiday dance is coming up at Riverdale High School and Archie really wants to ask you to it.

"Of course, Arch. We're best friends." laughs Betty

"Do you think it would be a bad idea if I ask Y/N to the dance?" asks Archie nervously

"Archie....I think that would be an extremely bad idea." answers Betty giving him a sympathetic look

Archie drops his eyes down to his shoes suddenly finding them interesting.

I knew she was going to say that. Thinks Archie

"You are lucky enough to be Y/N's friend still Arch after what you did. I wouldn't push my luck." says Betty voicing Archie's concerns

"Your right." sighs Archie sadly as he looks up at Betty

"I...I just want to be with her again." says Archie sadly which Betty only responds to with a small sad smile

Archie didn't know why he did it. Maybe it was the adrenaline. He hasn't done anything that he knew was wrong before. Maybe that's why Archie slept with Mrs.Grundy. He just wasn't thinking. That stopped when you caught them together.

You had walked into the music room wanting to talk to Mrs.Gundy if you could borrow the stereo in there for the Riverdale Vixen's practice. You didn't expect to find your boyfriend and Mrs.Gundy kissing each other.

"Archie." You squeaked out as tears formed in your eyes

Hearing your voice snapped Archie out of his daze. Suddenly it dawned on him how wrong this was. Archie loves you not Mrs.Grundy.

"Y/N, it's not what it looks like." He said as he pulls away from Mrs.Grundy while he stumbles his way towards you

"So you weren't just kissing our music teacher?" You questioned as tears falling down your face

"Okay, I was but-" started Archie, he goes to touch your shoulder but you move away from his touch

"Archie, we're over. There are no buts just stay away from me." You said before walking away, your heart shattered in two

"Y/N...." said Archie softly as a tear or two falls down his own face

Luckily somehow he got you to agree to be friends again.

Archie heads to class thinking about the song he working on until you interrupt those thoughts.

"Hey, Archie." You say with a smile as you join his side

"Hey, Y/N. What's up?" says Archie a smile on his face

"I have something to ask you, but if it's too weird don't worry about answering." You say nervously

"Okay.." says Archie confused

"Do you think Reggie might ask me to the dance?" You ask shocking and breaking Archie's heart at the same time

"Ronnie overheard him talking about me to Moose and she thinks he is going to ask me to the dance." You stumble out

"Do-do you want him to ask you to the dance?" questions Archie without thinking

You blush at his question.

He just made this even more awkward. You think

"I-I wouldn't be mad if he did." You answer carefully, not sure what to say

Archie stays silent for a few seconds trying to process everything.

"I think he might. I haven't talked to him about anything like that really......" says Archie and he sees the disappointment on your face

"but I can find out for you?" suggests Archie making your eyes light up

"Really? Thanks." You say before you give him a hug

"No problem." says Archie hugging you back while he silently kicks himself

"Boy Wonder!" says Reggie as Archie walks up to him before practice

"Hey, Reg." says Archie, a nervous smile on his face

"So what's up?" asks Reggie

"Do you like Y/N?" questions Archie bluntly

"Yeah, but if you still got feelings for her, man, I can back off." says Reggie

"So what did he say?" You ask as you bound up to him after practice, a grin on your face

"I'm sorry, Y/N.....but he's not interested." answers Archie

"Oh...." You say the grin falling off your face

"I'm really sorry, Y/N." says Archie

"It's okay, it's not like it's your fault." You say softly a bit disappointed

"You wanna walk home together?" asks Archie

You nod your head before you link arms with the redhead.

I'm a jerk. Thinks Archie sighing

"I thought you said Reggie wasn't interested?" You question as you bounce up to him a confused look on his face

"That's what he said yesterday....why do you ask?" says a very worried Archie Andrew

"Because he just asked me to the dance." You explain

"Oh, well, that's a good thing." says Archie trying to change the focus

"Yeah, I can't wait." You say smiling

Archie forces a smile on his face. Then Reggie walks towards the two of you.

"Hey, Y/N." He says wrapping an arm around your shoulders smiling down at you as you smile up at him

"Boy wonder." says Reggie smirking at the redhead before he sends him a subtle wink

What the? Thinks Archie watching as the two of you walk away from him

"What the hell man?" asks Archie as he stomps into the locker room rushing up to Reggie

"You said you weren't going to ask her out!" says Archie angry as he pushes Reggie

"I changed my mind." shrugs Reggie with a smirk before he walks away

"I can't believe you!" says Betty as Archie and her walk together after Archie told her everything that's happened with Reggie, you, and him.

"Me?" says Archie confused

"Yes, you! Y/N really likes Reggie and I know you still have feelings for her Arch, but you cheated on her. You need to get over Y/N. She's over you now." says Betty

This is just one big mess. Thinks Betty

Archie's head falls down as he lets out a sigh.

"I still love her." says Archie

Betty hugs her friend knowing the redhead needs it right now. Archie heads back with Betty as his broken heart breaks a little more though he understand that it's all his fault for it.


I really want to see Assassination Nation just because Cody Christian is in it.

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