Never Leaving-Theo Raeken

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Theo Raeken broke out of hell and instantly wanted to see you, his ex-girlfriend.

"Where is Y/N? I want to see Y/N!" said Theo as he trekked with Liam and Hayden to Liam's car chained

"You aren't seeing Y/N." said Liam

"Why?" questioned Theo annoyed since he just wants to see you

You are the only thing Theo thought about in hell. The only thing that got him through it was thinking about you. He is in love with you he just didn't realize it until he was too late. Theo would do anything to get back together with you.

"Because she's finally forgotten you. She finally got over your stupid ass and I don't want her to see you anytime soon. She is actually going on a date tomorrow with a guy she likes. I don't want you to ruin her happiness." said Liam

Theo stayed quiet the rest of the way to Scott's house thinking about Liam just said.

Theo lays still on the floor of Liam's basement thinking about earlier. Y/N over him. She's forgotten him. Y/N doesn't want to be with him, she doesn't even want to think of Theo Raeken. Theo decides instead of sitting and feeling sorry for himself, he is going to try and get you back. He needs you.

I'm going to get the love of my life back. Thinks Theo

Theo slipped out of Liam's house before he woke up the next morning hoping to track you down and return before Liam wakes up. Theo quickly tracks down your scent to find you sitting at a restaurant with a dark-haired boy. The two of you are smiling and laughing at each other.

Theo studies your face. Your eyes are bright and your smile is big. You look happy but Theo could visibly see you aren't as happy as when the of two were together. Your grin was always much wider and your eyes were much brighter. The look in your eyes as you look at the boy doesn't even compare to how you used to look at Theo.

I can get her back.....I hope. Thinks Theo before he heads back to Liam's

You sat at your favorite breakfast restaurant with your date who has the name of Sebastian. You are happy with him though deep down you know you aren't going to be as happy with anyone as you were with Theo, but you would never admit that out loud.

You are listening to Sebastian who is telling you a story about his family vacation to Hawaii when someone catches your attention. You eye the retreating figure who you can't help but think looks like Theo. The guy has broad shoulders and is quite muscular with a haircut similar to him. You snap to reality with a shake of your head.

Quit being ridiculous Y/N, Theo's in hell so that can't be him. You internally scold yourself before you go back to listening to Sebastian

Theo sits in the middle of the Scott McCall's living room listening to the pack talk about what they should do about the Ghost Riders. That's when you walked in.

"Hey, guys, I-Theo?" You say shocked as you notice the chained up boy on the couch

"What? How? What? Am I hallucinating or something?" You ramble a mixture of shock and confusion being your emotions

"Y/, surprise." says Stiles awkwardly

"How-how is he back?" You question pointing at the boy as Theo stares at you

"Liam brought me back. You all needed my help." answers Theo

"Liam!" You say not happy that Theo's back

"I thought he could help us. He remembers Stiles." says Liam, annoyed that you had to see that Theo's back

He was sort of hoping they could get rid of the Ghost Riders and then Theo would leave than never bother you again. But sadly they needed someone to watch the chimera while they worked to get rid of the Ghost Riders.

"We also sort of need you to watch him." shyly says, Scott,

"What? Why me? Can't we hire someone?" You question

"You really think it's a good idea to hire a nanny to babysit a chained up chimera?" questions Lydia

"Fine, I'll watch him." You say letting out a sigh

This is going to be interesting. You think as Theo smirks up at you

"Can you let out of the chains now?" asks Theo after the pack had left

"No." You answer as you surf through TV channels

"Why not?" questions Theo looking over at you for a second curiously

"Because I don't know what you are doing to do." You answer keeping your eyes on the tv

Liam so owes me for this. You think

"I'm not doing to hurt you, I would never hurt you." says Theo looking at you intensely

You snort at his statement.

"Yeah, because you pretending to actually have feelings for me just so you could get closer to the pack wasn't meant to hurt me." You scoff as you look at him for a second hurt and anger in your eyes

I can't let him get to me. You think

"I never pretended to have feelings for you. Dating you wasn't even part of the Dread Doctor's plan or my plan. I love you Y/N, I'm not lying to you I swear. I love you." says Theo

"How can I believe you, Theo? You worked for the Dread Doctors, you tried to kill Scott, and you turned a bunch of people into chimeras. You lied to everyone me included. We all thought you were a nice normal werewolf guy that Scott and Stiles knew from elementary school." You say

"But I'm still that guy. The guy who took you on dates and visited you in the middle night so we could snuggle together. That was me, that was the real Theo Raeken." says Theo as he takes your hand in his

"I want to be with you, Y/N." says Theo

"No, Theo, I-I can't do that." You say shaking your head

You couldn't go through the heartbreak you went through when you found out about the whole Dread Doctors thing. Plus you knew how the Pack would respond and it wouldn't be.

"Y/N I'm truly sorry for everything. I should have been honest with you about the Dread Doctors. I shouldn't have lied to you, Y/N. I'm so sorry, I really am." apologizes Theo

"I know, Theo, and I forgive you but things have changed now." You say

"What has changed Y/N? I know your feeling haven't. You wouldn't be letting me hold your hand if you hated me. I still have feelings for you and I hope you still have some for me." says Theo

"I...I do Theo, but-" You start but trail off not sure how to finish the sentence

"But what?" questions Theo

"But I'm scared. What if something happens and you get sucked back to hell? I can't go through that heartbreak again." You answer looking into Theo's eyes and he could see the all pain and sadness in your beautiful y/e/c colored eyes

"That's not gonna happen, Y/N. I'm here to stay. No more being sucked down to hell and no more Dread Doctors. Never again." says Theo as he moves to wrap his arms around you

"I missed you." You confessed softly as you grip Theo tightly reassuring you that he is actually here and that is this real

"I missed you too, so much." says Theo

"I love you." says Theo a few seconds later

"I love you too." You admit causing a smile smile to appear on Theo's face

Theo softly kisses your forehead before he tightens his grip on you and brings you closer to him.

I never want to leave her again. Thinks Theo

I never want him to leave again. You think as you relish in the feelings of being in Theo's arms again


This sucks so......sorry🤷🏻‍♀️ But did you guys see the new Riverdale promo? What do you guys think is going on there between Jughead and Veronica?

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