Only One Part 2-Kai Parker

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"Jo isn't ready she won't survive the merge." sighs Liv as everyone is gathered in the living room of the Salvatore's house

"Then what do we do?" asks Jo scared as Alaric wraps his arm around her waist pulling her to him

"I don't know he doesn't have someone he cares about that we can use against him. He hates his family and has no friends." answers Stefan not seeing how there is another possible option

"Actually there is one person." speaks up Jo causing everyone to look at her

"Who?" questions Damon who wants Kai dead as much as her

"Y/N Y/L/N, Kai's girlfriend before he was sent to the prison world." answers Jo

"I can't believe that guy actually had a girlfriend." comments Tyler

"But she has to be like your age now, she's probably married with kids or something." says Stefan

"Actually, she's a vampire now. The coven took away her powers after what Kai did thinking she helped him. I don't even think she knew about it because she seemed pretty devastated after she heard the news." explains Jo

"That's perfect. Now all we have to do is track the girl down." says Damon

"The only problem is Kai sort of thinks Y/N's dead." adds Jo causing everyone to look at her curiously

~1900s Flashback~

"Tie her up!" instructed Josh Parker

"What-what are you doing?" You yelled as two witches tied your hands behind your back

"Don't act so innocent. We know you helped him." said Josh

"What are you talking about?" You yelled before a witch used a cloth to gag you

"Kai, he killed my kids. I know you helped." said Josh as he moved to be closer to you

You shake your head tears falling down your face at this.

"You killed him, you had such promise but you need to be punished for your actions. You can kiss your magic goodbye." says Josh causing more tears to fall

"But that's a lesser punishment then Kai will receive. He will be killed." lies Josh

Josh knew that he was putting Kai in a prison world you would figure out a way to bust him out and he can't have that.

"We will be back to deal with you." says Josh leaving a sobbing you tied up

They are going to kill him! You think sadly though you didn't understand why Kai would kill his family

You knew everything about his family drama but Kai didn't say anything about doing something like this to them.

Josh heads outside with a plan in his head. He was going to use magic to make a fake you and then kill the fake you in front of Kai. And that's exactly what happened.

~End of Flashback~

"So now we have to find this girl somehow in this city and then kidnap her with the hope that Kai is still in love with her and will somehow believe us that she still is indeed alive. This plan sucks." says Damon as he parks the car

"Do you have a better one?" questions Stefan as the two pile out of the car making Damon sigh

"Let's just get this over with." replies Damon as the two go in search of you

"I'm hungry and we have been searching for this girl for hours now." complains Damon

"Fine, we will stop for some food but then we have to get back on the search." says Stefan

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