New Roommate-Chris Schistad

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You groan as you wake up to the doorbell of your apartment ringing. You live alone since your parents moved and you didn't want to leave your friends behind so your parents got you apart here. It got lonely sometimes, but you had friends over a lot so those times weren't as often. You slowly pull yourself out of bed not caring about how little clothing you having on or how you look at this hour of night. You head out of your room and down the hall before heading to the front door. You open it to see your best friend, Chris Schistad, standing there holding a duffel bag.

"Chris? What are you doing in here?" You asks as he barges into your apartment

"I need a place to stay and you're my best friends so...I thinking I could stay here." says Chris looking at you hopefully

Chris's home life isn't the best and you knew that. You always told him if things got to hard he is always welcomed at yours.

"Of course you can, Chris." You say giving him a small smile

"Just lay your bag there we can unpack it tomorrow. Let's just go back to sleep." You say as Chris sets his bag down

"Sounds good to me." says Chris smiling as he follows you to your room

You hop into bed along with Chris after he takes his shirt off.

"Thank you, Y/N, for letting me stay here. It means a lot to me." says Chris as he wraps his arm around your waist

You cuddle into his now bare chest as you face him.

"It's no problem, Chris." You say softly

You feel him kiss your head before you fall into a deep peaceful slumber.

Once Chris is sure you are sleep he whispers something.

"I love you, Y/N." he whispers softly smiling

You wake up the next morning to the smell of bacon. Confused you wake up and head downstairs to see Chris making bacon. You look at him sort of shocked not knowing he could cook.

"Chris?" You say

He then turns to you with a small smile.

"Hey, Y/N." He says giving a small wave

You move to where you are sitting on the counter nearby Chris.

"I didn't know you cooked." You say

"I'm full of many talents that you don't know about." says Chris moving to stand between your legs

"Like what?" You asks

"Like starts I'm really really good at having se-" starts Chris but you cut him off by placing your hand over his mouth

"Stop before you ruin my appetite." You say before Chris licks your hand making you squeak

"Gross, Chris." You say wiping your hand on your night grown as Chris walks back to making bacon

"By the way nice night grown. Very sexy." says Chris smirking at you

You look down to realize you are wearing pretty low cut black night gown making you blush as you roll your eyes at your best friend.

You now sit on your couch watching TV wth Chris. As you watch your favorite show you feel Chris's eyes on you.

"Do I have something on my face?" You ask turning to him while feelings your face trying to find what Chris is staring at

Chuckling softly Chris grabs your hands holding them in his to stop your frantic searching.

"You don't have anything on your face." says Chris confusing you

"Then why were you staring at me?" You ask

"Because I think you're beautiful." answers Chris smiling

You blush lightly from the compliment Chris just gave you. Before you could stay anything, Chris pressed his lips on yours. Shocked it takes a few seconds to respond but when you do you melt into the kiss. It was full of passion and need. You both pull back both of you smiling messes.

"I love you." confesses Chris smiling nervously

"I love you too." You admit also smiling

Chris smiles and presses his lips to Y/N again happily.


I can't wait to see the new Riverdale episode Wednesday! Favorite Riverdale character?

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