A Soulmate for Christmas-Nolan Holloway

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You start to walk with your younger sibling headed towards where the Santa Claus she wants to see is. You couldn't help yourself, you peek down at the small clock attached to your wrist.

   Everyone is born with a clock attached to your wrist. It's normally a long thin clock lined with some color. The clock clicks down till the second you will meet your soul mate. You aren't really sure how that works. Some people say they felt drawn to an area others say they just bumped into them. Some people also have known there soulmate for years others it will be their first time meeting them. The clocks are not meant to be shared. You aren't supposed to go around showing everyone your clock. Most of the time you keep it wrapped up like most people but today you have a coat on that hides it. According to your clock, you will meet your soulmate tomorrow on Christmas. You have to say you are quite scared. I mean, it is your soul mate after all. The person who is supposed to love you for the rest of your life, that's a big frickin deal.

You are pulled out of your thoughts by your sister tugging on your hand. You snap your head down to her.

"Are you excited to see Santa?" She asks smiling up you, her eyes shining brightly

"Of course." You answer faking excitement for her as you join the line to see Santa Claus

You stand off to the side as your sister sits on Santa's lap. Your eyes once again trail down to your wrist.

Less than 24 hours you think nervously when a hand taps your shoulder

You spin around to see your best friend, Nolan Holloway grinning his beautiful smile. Instantly you tug your sleeve down to hide your  clock.

"Hey, Nol." You say with a smile as you pull him into a hug

"Is it soon?" questions Nolan pointing to your wrist noticing that you tugged it down quickly

"Yeah, yeah, it is." You answer with a nervous

"Mine is too." says Nolan, hope in his eyes

Nolan has had eyes for you since he meet you. A little part of him has always hoped you would be his soulmate. So hearing you say that your clock is close to running out gives him hope that he might be your soulmate.

"You excited?" questions Nolan

"Yeah, just a little nervous. I really want to impressive whoever it is." You answer

"Y/N, I'm sure whoever your soulmate is will be head over heels for you. You are the most amazing person I know." truthfully speaks Nolan, a pink tint covering his cheeks

"Thanks Nolan. Who ever is your soulmate is one lucky girl." You say with a smile

I'm hoping it's you. Thinks Nolan

"Thanks, Y/N." says Nolan as your little sister bounces up to you

She grabs your hand as she smiles at Nolan

"Hi, Nolan." She says with a toothy smile

"Hey, Y/S/N." says Nolan giving her smile wave

"We better get going, since I promised my mom I would have her back in time for her to help her bake cookies, but are we still on for the 26th?" You ask

You and Nolan have plans to spend the day after Christmas together. You also may have gotten him a gift.

"Definitely." says Nolan

You give him a small smile and a wave before you leave with your sister who is now rambling about Santa.

"You nervous for tomorrow sweetie?" asks your mother as you eat cookies with her and your sister

"A little, I was a lot more nervous earlier but we ran into Nolan and he helped calm me down." You answer

"I also sort of thought he would be your soulmate." says your mother as she snacks on her cookie

You blush slightly from her comment because you have to admit, you have always had a small crush on him.

"Well, I guess we will find out tomorrow if you are right." You say shrugging

Nolan lays in his bed staring up at his ceiling thinking about tomorrow.

What if it actually is Y/N and she's disappointed? She's so pretty and nice while I'm.....just me. thinks Nolan, his insecurities getting the best of him

You stand outside your house staring at your clock.

Almost 20 minutes now. I should start to feel something...right? You think worriedly

A few seconds later, you feel like you are in a trace as you suddenly start to walk. Excitement and nerves bubbling up in your stomach, but still, a smile makes its way onto your face. You keep walking until you make it to downtown. There's a sea of people which instantly makes your nervous heighten.

How am I going to find him in this crowd? You think as you bite your lip nervously as the trance stops

You swiftly turn around when a hand is placed on your shoulder.

"Nolan?" You say shocked as the blue-eyed boy just grins

You hear a click and you look down to see two clocks on the ground one of them yours and the other you assume is Nolan's.

"You..you are my soulmate." You say in shock

Sure you have always dreamed of him being your soulmate but you didn't expect it to actually happen.

"Yeah, I guess so......you aren't disappointed are you?" asks Nolan as he messes with his fingers nervously while he looks down at the ground

You move your hands to grab Nolan's.

"Of course not." You say staring into his blue eyes

"I was actually hoping you would be my soulmate." You confess as a red tint appears on your cheeks

"R-really?" stutters out a shocked Nolan making you chuckle

"Nolan, you are the sweetest guy I know. Any girl would be lucky to be your soulmate, I'm really glad I get to be that girl." You say causing Nolan to smile

"I was hoping you would be my soulmate too." confesses a blushing Nolan

You grin largely as you lean in to press your lips to Nolan. The kiss start starts off of gently before you two quickly deepen the kiss. Your hands move to rest on his chest as his arms snake around your waist.

"I'm really really glad your my soulmate." says Nolan as you two stop for a second to catch your breathes

"Me too." You say before you quickly capture Nolan's lips with yours

I couldn't be happier. You think as you smile into the kiss.


The movie Midnight Sun totally reminds me of Everything Everything.

Anyways just like if you wanted to know some good Christmas songs, my personal favorites are:

-Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande
-All I Want for Christmas by Miranda Carrie (Super Festive and Normal)
-Last Christmas Ariana Grande version

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