A Christmas Rescue-Scott McCall

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Scott couldn't believe it, you are back and just in time for your favorite time of the year. Christmas.

Scott thought you had died. When the hunters showed up you suddenly disappeared as if out of thin air. They never found your body or trail of your scent. A year passed by, Sheriff Stilinski found nothing, and neither did Scott. Stiles even tried illegal using some of the FBI's resources he did not yet have permission for. He also came out empty handed. They gave up the search a month later. It was hard for Scott, who was your boyfriend. He didn't have the closure of knowing you were dead, he just an assumption. There is a possibility you are out there alive. You could be being tortured at this moment or you could be injured and scared somewhere. Those possibilities keep Scott up at night.

The first time Scott spotted you, you were walking across the street looking at your phone. Scott thought he was just seeing things. Since when you first disappeared he did. He would think he saw you at school or at his house but you weren't really there. The time he saw you, you were with a browned haired man. You hand in his as you two laughed together. Jealous bubbled up in his stomach.

Maybe you weren't kidnapped, maybe you just left him. Maybe you were tired of this, of his drama....or maybe you just were tired of him. Maybe you didn't love him anymore. Those were the thoughts in his head as he watched you tug the man down the street.

"I saw her." says Scott to Stiles as they sit in Scott's new apartment

"It's happening again?" questions Stiles concerned

"No, like I actually saw her this time." says Scott shaking his head while Stiles gives him a confused look

"She was with this guy, he was taller and had brown hair along with blue eyes." explains Scott

"Did you talk to her?" asks Stiles a few minutes later deciding that maybe his friend just maybe actual saw you and Scott shakes his head no

"Why not?" questions Stiles confused

"She's with that guy, holding his hand....maybe we were thinking about this all wrong. What if she just left? No kidnapping, she just left." answers Scott

"Y/N wouldn't do that." says Stiles shaking his head finding his friend's reason dumb

You were Stiles best friend. He knew you would never leave Scott, you love him way too much to ever do that. But Scott on the hand isn't so confident.

Stiles ended up tracking someone that recently moved to Beacon Hills that fit your description to a huge mansion with the hope it's you. He quickly knocks on the door. It opens to reveal a smiling you.

It's her. She's alive. Y/N's not dead. Thinks Stiles

"Are you the post mates?" You ask confusing Stiles

"Y/N, it's me, Stiles. Don't you remember me?" says Stiles

You open your mouth to answer until a dark-haired man wraps his arm around your shoulders. As he does, your shirt moves a bit revealing a bloody bite mark causing Stiles's eyes to widen.

"Is there a problem here?" asks the man glaring at Stiles

"No, I, um, I got to go." answers Stiles shocked before he stumbles his way away from the house

Do I know him? How did he know my name? You think confused as you reluctantly head back into the house

"Scott, Y/N's in trouble." says Stiles as he bursts into Scott's apartment

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