Sister Sister- Scott McCall + Kai Parker

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The McCall Pack is huddled in an alleyway with a hunter pointing a gun at them. A smirk on the hunter's face, who is one of Monroe's minions.

"Monroe will be so happy I ended you pesky wolves." says the hunter and the pack closes their eyes knowing what is to come

But before the hunter can pull the trigger, someone's snaps his neck. He falls to the ground dead and the pack looks to see you, who is looking down at the hunter.

"Too bad he was such a dick, he's kind of cute." You shrug before you look up at the Pack with a smirk

Scott, Lydia, Derek, Peter, and Stiles keep a shocked look on their faces. While Theo has an impressed look on his face. Liam and Malia sport confused faces.

"Hello, brother." You say referring to Scott who happens to be your twin

You used to be totally into the whole no kill thing that he rocks when you were human, but once you changed into a vampire that changed as well.

"What are you doing here?" asks Scott as you step over the dead hunter's body

"No thank you for saving your life?" You say teasingly

"Well, after I got attacked by a wannabe hunter who tried to kill me with a normal bullet. I tortured some information out of him and ended up finding what is going on. So I came here figuring we could team up and destroy Monroe together." You answer

"Why should we team up with you?" asks Lydia

"Well, for one, I did just save your pathetic lives. Number two, you need all the allies you can get. Number three, I'm faster and stronger than you." You answer

"I like her." says Theo causing both Scott and Liam to glare at him

Kai Parker then appears and instantly glares at Theo as he snakes an arm around your waist.

"Who's that?" asks Derek pointing to the dark haired heretic, obviously not happy with his presences

"My boyfriend, Kai, he's a hybrid of a vampire and witch basically he's pretty powerful. He can help us destroy Monroe." You answer

Those exist? Thinks Liam shocked

"We don't kill people." says Scott making you groan

"Then what's wrong your brilliant plan to stop Monroe?" You ask and that comes out is silence

"So that means we can kill her." says Kai smiling largely, who couldn't wait to sink his teeth into a hunter

"I'm going to kill with or without your permission. We need to end the leader." You add

"But what about her minions?" asks Malia

"They need someone to lead them so without a leader they will just be random hunters running around. Most of them will probably return to their pathetic normal lives. The rest might try to hunt us but they will messy and shouldn't be a real threat. They will be easily beat now they don't have someone telling them what to do." You answer

"Now she's smart." says Peter pointing at you

"When do we get to kill the hunters?" asks Kai who is itching for some blood

"Well, you start by killing the one who is trying to sneak up on us." You answer then you hear a gun go off

You use your super speed and catch the bullet.

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