Scott/Brett/Isaac (Requested)

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Requested by @LouieJay240217

Jade smiles as she swiftly walks over to her twin, Scott, right before the big Devenford Prep vs Beacon Hills football game.

"Good luck." Jade says smiling hugging her brother

"Thanks, sis." says Scott smiling as they pull apart

"I'm gonna go find Malia." says Scott smiling before he rushes off

"Love you too!" yells Jade after Scott while chuckling at how love struck her brother is

"Hey,Jade." says a smiling Brett Talbot jogging up to Jade

Brett is one of Jade's closest and best friends, but Brett feels something more for the black haired girl.

"Hey, Brett." She says smiling largely

"I was, uh, wondering if you would-" starts Brett but stops when he sees a blue eyed boy sneaking up behind Jade

The boy places a single finger to his mouth signaling Brett to stay silent as Brett looks at him very confused.

"Why did-" starts Jade until two hands cover her green eyes, blocking her vision

"Guess who?" says the boy smiling largely

"Isaac!" says Jade happily quickly turning around to hug the boy

Who's he? Thinks Brett still very confused

"When did you get back from France?" asks Jade pull apart from Isaac

"This morning. It's so good to see you." says Isaac

"It's good to see you too." says Jade

"Oh, Brett. This is Isaac. Isaac this is Brett." says Jade turning back to Brett introducing the two boy to each other

"Nice to meet you." says Isaac shaking Brett's hand

"You too, man." says Brett faking smiling

Brett was annoyed with Isaac. He interrupted him right before he was about to ask out Jade.

"Hey, how about after the game we all get pizza together?" asks a smiling Jade

"Sure." answers Brett disappointed since he wanted to go on a date with Jade after the game instead of hanging out with Isaac and her

"Sounds good to me." shrugs Isaac still smiling

"Well, I gotta go." says Brett noticing his Coach waving him over

"Good luck." says Jade leaning up and kisses Brett's cheek making Brett genuinely smile

"Yeah, good luck, man." says Isaac

Brett nods at him before he jogs away to his team.

Brett sits at the pizza place with Jade and Isaac annoyed with Isaac's consist flirting.

"I have to go to the restroom, I'll be right back." says Jade standing up heading to the restroom

"Somebody reeks over jealousy." says Isaac smirking slightly at Brett

"Leave Jade alone." growls Brett annoyed with his cocky boy attitude

"No can do, Bretty boy. I like her. I think I'm going to ask her out." says Isaac still smirking

"No, I like her and I have liked her a lot longer than you so back off French boy. I'm going to be the one that's Jade's boyfriend." growls Brett and before Isaac could another word Jade returns from the bathroom

"Hey, did I miss anything important?" asks Jade sitting down oblivious to the tense between the two werewolf Betas

Brett gets out of his car that is parked in front of Jade's house as another car pulls up.

"What are you doing here, Lahey?" asks Brett annoyed holding the bouquet of flowers he got for Jade

He decided to come over to her house the next day to ask her out not wanting to lost Jade to Isaac.

"I'm here to ask Jade out, but I think you had the same idea Talbot." says Isaac as he holds a bouquet of flowers as well

Brett lets out annoyed growl at this.

"Go home, Isaac. I'm the one who is asking her out." says Brett stepping towards Isaac

"Last time I check Talbot, I'm in the same pack as her so I think my chances of getting a yes is highs than yours. So how about you get lost." says Isaac stepping closer to Brett

Both boys growl before they swiftly attack each other.

Scott pulls up to his house on his bike to find the two boys wrestling each other in the driveway.

"Brett! Isaac!" says Scott confused as he walks up to them

Embarrassed the two boys stop and quickly stand up.

"What was that about?" asks Scott

"Um...we both sort of like your sister." says Isaac shyly

"And we sort of both showed up to ask her out and things got sort of heated after that." adds Brett embarrassed a little by his violent actions

Scott looks between the two boys before he bursts out laughing.

"First off, Jade's not even home. She's out with Lydia and Malia at boy the mall. Secondly.... Jade likes Brett." says Scott making Brett smiles largely as Isaac frowns

"I gotta go. I need new flowers." says Brett before rushing to his car heading to get new flowers since Isaac and him destroyed them when they wrestled

"Sorry, man." Scott say patting a disappointed Isaac's back

Brett stand in front of Jade's house an hour later smiling largely impatient for her to answer the door after he rung the doorbell.

"Hey, Brett." says a smiling Jade opening the door

"What's with the flowers?" She asks confused

"I got them for you because I want to go on a date with you." says Brett smiling as he hands Jade the flowers

" do?" asks a shocked but happy Jade

"Yeah, I do Jade. I really really like you and I want to take what do you say? Will you, Jade McCall, go on a date with me?" says Brett a little nervous

Jade's face instantly breaks out into a large grin

"I would love too." says Jade excitedly

Brett smiles before he moves closer to Jade. He places a hand on her cheek before he pulls Jade into a soft and happy kiss.


Favorite TW ship? Obviously my favorite is Thiam. I also really really like Stydia and Scalia.

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