Assassin Prt2-Barry Allen

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You sit on a chair in your hotel room staring at the tie in your hands.

I can't kill think letting out a sigh

Okay, first I need to be 100 percent sure Barry is the flash. More proof than just a tie. Then we can go from there. You think before heading to Jitter's for your daily coffee

"One Flash to go please." You say smiling to Iris as you stand in front of her

"Y/N!" She says smiling as Melissa starts on your coffee

"How did your date with Barry go?" She asks

"Um really good until he had to bail." You answer

"Oh, I'm sure whatever reason he had to leave was a good one. Barry would never ditch someone." says Iris as Melissa hands you the coffee you ordered, you give her a small appreciated smile

"Yeah, I hope, but I gotta run. I'm checking out this apartment." You lie

"Okay, see you later." says Iris smiling and you smile back before you head to leave

As you start to exit, Barry appears in front of you.

"Hey." You say still not believing the boy in front of you could be the Flash

"I'm really really sorry about last night. How about we go out tonight and I can make it up to you?" says Barry smiling nervously at you

"Yeah, that sounds great." You say smiling and before Barry could say anything his phone beeps

"I gotta go but I'll text you later." He says before rushing off

You following him trying to be discrete. You watch as he dugs into an ally. He then flashes off from there.

It really is him. You think shocked

Now, what do I do? You think confused

You sit on your hotel bed wondering what to do. You didn't want to kill Barry nor do you think you are capable of killing him. Or hurting Iris like this. This would destroy her and Joe.

I can't-do this, I guess this is my first failed job. You think sighing

You walk out of the elevator with all your things packed into your suitcase. You walk up to the front desk.

"Hello, Gerard, I would like to check out." You say after you finish checking out you place a white envelope on the desk

"If a brown haired guy comes by looking for me, give him this." You say

"I will do, ma'am." He says and you nod before you turn on your heels heading outside the lobby doors

Goodbye Central City. It's been fun. You think before you climb into the black SUV waiting for you

Barry rushes into your hotel and heads up to your floor. He had texted you a few times but you never replied. Worried that you were angry or that something bad happened he rushed over to your hotel. He knocks on your door but nobody answers. After knocking for about 10 minutes that also included begging for you to lob nobody does.

Maybe she isn't here. Barry thinks before he heads back to the hotel elevator

"Sir do you know if Y/N Y/L/N is in her hotel room right now?" Barry asks the front desk clerk

"I'm sorry Ms.Y/L/N just checked out." says the clerk

What?...Maybe she ended up getting an apartment? Thinks Barry

"Oh um." starts Barry until the clerk cuts him off

"But she did say to give you this." says the clerk pulling out a white envelope

Barry looks at him confused before he takes the envelope from the clerk.

"Thanks." He says before leaving the hotel staring at the envelope confused

Barry sits down on a bench looking at the envelope curiously. Before he rips it open and reads it.

Dear Barry,

There's a lot of things about me you don't know and because of those things I had to leave. I'm sorry Barry. I truly did like you but this is goodbye.

                                                                         Love, Y/N Y/N

Barry looks at the letter confused.

What does she by there is a lot of things you don't know about me? Where is going? Thinks Barry before he rushes to STAR labs

"Guys, I need you to find anything you can on Y/N." Barry says to Cisco and Caitlin

"Why?" asks Cisco confused

"Because I think she is in danger." answers Barry

You stand in the warehouse wanting on uour client to arrive.

"Did you kill him?" asks the man standing in the shadows

"No." You answer

"What?! I hired you because you never fail a job and you-" starts the man before you cut him off by shooting him in the head killing him

"You talk to much." You say before you grab the duffel bag of money he was carrying

That wasn't a very thrilling ending to his life but it stops him from hiring anyone else to kill Barry so hopefully he can stay safe....for a superhero at least. You think before you head back to your car

Now it's time to go home you think smiling a little at the thought of going back home another part of you is sad to leave Central City

Please let her be safe. Thinks Barry nervously thinking something bad has happened to you


Opinions on Iris? She isn't my favorite person ever, but I don't hate her character.

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