The Alpha Part3-Liam Dunbar

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Warning: Mention of a death of a parent if that is triggering or upsetting to you probably don't read this

" then, uh, what do you want to, uh, do about the whole thing?" stutters out Liam

Liam couldn't figure you out. You are still with Samuel even though you know about him being your mate. Plus Scott said that the two of you got into a slight argument at the alpha meeting yesterday which he heard from Jared is normal for the two of you.

"I think we should forget about it." You answer

" don't want to be my mate?" questions Liam feeling his heart break

You let a sigh as a wave of sympathy hits you since you feel bad. Though you have reasons for rejecting the blue-eyed Beta.

"It's not that Liam, we...we just can't be together." You reply

Liam nods as he swallows thickly feeling his chest tighten a little.

"I-I'm just gonna go." says Liam before he rushes off not giving you time to say anything else

"So how did it go?" asks Theo with a curious glint in his eyes as Liam enters their room

"Not good." sighs Liam as he sits down on his bed

"What happened? Did you chicken out?" questions Theo with a raised brow figuring that was it

"No, actually I-I didn't. I talked to her, but things didn't go the way I thought they would." answers Liam

"What do you mean?" asks Theo

"She doesn't want to be with me." answers Liam which sort of shocks Theo since he didn't really expect that answer

Well, that's a twist. Thinks Theo

"Well...damn, that sucks dude. I don't really know what to say." says Theo

What do you say to someone who's soulmate just reject them? Thinks Theo

"Me either." sighs out Liam placing his head in his hand


You ran through the woods running as fast as you can trying hard to escape the hunters. Your father had gotten a warning call from the Hale pack warning you that a group of hunters were coming your way. Sadly they were too late as the hunters were already there. You continued to fastly run as you breathed heavily.

Faster, Y/N. You need to be faster. You thought as your eyes glowed yellow

A very familiar dark-haired boy joined your side.

Jared! You thought relieved happy that your best friend is still alive

"We have to be quiet and we need to hide they aren't far behind." mouthed Jared

You nod in response before Jared guided you somewhere.

Back in those days, you were sort of the little princess of the pack. You being the Alpha's daughter and quite shy and quiet. The pack did love you and always made sure to protect you.

"Your dad build an underground bunker in the work in case of something like this." whispered Jared barely loud enough for your supernatural hearing to pick it up while he moves some dirt away to reveal a brown key code

He punched some numbers in before he opened it.

"Head inside." whispered Jared

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