Dean&Cas&Sam (Requested)

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Requested by ALLHALEZAYN

8 months ago, Shakarie met the Winchesters and Castiel while on a vampire hunt. Sam thought it would be a good idea to use Shakarie as bait and it worked. The only problem was that before the Winchester would save you they took a few samples I guess you could say from Shakarie. The three men brought a passed out Shakarie back to their bunker all of them feeling guilty but mainly Sam since it was his idea. Castiel healed Shakarie but still, she was asleep so they let her crash in one of the spare bedrooms in the bunker. The three men kept inviting Shakarie on hunts since they all think she is an amazing hunter which she is and eventually she moved into the bunker by the Winchester's request. That's where things turn weird.

Shakarie got hurt again on another hunt, a wendigo hurt to be exact. She sat in the spare bedroom that is now her room. Castiel presses his fingers to the brown-eyed girl's forehead healing her wounds. That consist of mainly deep and shallow scratch marks.

"Thanks, Cas." Shakarie says giving the angel a smile as she feels instantly a thousand times better than she did earlier

Castiel nods before he does something unexpected, he presses his lips to Shakarie's. Shakarie's eyes widen at the sudden movement before she gently pushes the angel off of her.

"Cas....what-what was that?" Shakarie asks confused

Shakarie never thought the angel had feelings for her and that is not returned.

"It was a kiss, people do it to show affection." replies Castiel looking at Shakarie with a tilted head causing her to shake her head

"I meant why would you kiss me?" Shakarie asks hoping the answer is that Castiel is drunk or high and has no clue what he is doing right now

"Because I like you." replies Castiel causing Shakarie to instantly get nervous

This is going to get awkward real fast. thinks Shakarie

"Look, Cas, you are amazing....but I just..I see you as a friend not so much as a boyfriend. I'm really sorry." Shakarie says

"It''s fine. I'm to go now." says Castiel before he stands up and stiffly walks out of the room

It was a bad idea to move into a house full of men only. thinks Shakarie with a groan and her head in her hands.

A few weeks later, Castiel and Shakarie seemed to be back to normal. No more awkward tense, it is great. She just hopes nothing like that unexpected kiss ever happens again. The boys are currently at a bar celebrating the danking of a wendigo while Shakarie decided to stay home and catch up with a few of her non-hunter friends. A few minutes after Shakarie ends a call with her best friend, she hears a door open followed by stumbling footsteps.

They all better not expect me to make them coffee or to make them breakfast. thinks Shakarie as she lets out a sigh knowing how hung over they are going to be tomorrow

Shakarie's door is pushed open only for a drunk Dean Winchester to stumble in. Shakarie chuckles at the drunk man.

"Don't laugh at me." says Dean pointing at Shakarie as he stumbles over to her bed

"Okay, okay, I won't sorry." says Shakarie deciding to go along with the drunken boy's instructions as he plops onto her bed

"It's okay, you know I can't stay mad at you." says Dean as he dramatically wraps his arm around Shakarie

Shakarie laughs at the older Winchester until she notices that he is staring at her with a certain gleam in his green eyes.

"Dean, why are-" starts Shakarie before she is interrupted by Dean pressing a kiss to her lips

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