Sister Sister Part 2

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Kai groans as you straddle his waist, your vampire teeth wedged into the side of his neck.

"This is so hot." moans out Kai as you continue to feed on his neck

You pull your fangs out from Kai's neck to look into his eyes. Blood covering your mouth and a little on your chin while a smirk is etched on your face. Kai raises a hand and wipes a little of the blood from your chin before he places into his mouth.

"Mmmm, who knew my blood tasted so good?" says Kai with a grin causing you to roll your eyes

"My turn!" says Kai excited to drink your neck

Kai grabs the back of your neck with one hand as the other goes to your hip supporting you before he sinks his teeth into your neck.

"Mmm." says Kai as he sips from your neck

Kai continues until a banging on your hotel door interrupts the two of you. With an annoyed groan, Kai pulls away from you. You make your way off of Kai just wearing the hotel's robe with some undergarment underneath.

"If it's house cleaning can we feed off of the maid?" asks Kai in an excited tone as he sits up in his chair

"Of course." You answer with a smirk, your hand on the doorknob

The door opens and you are immediately pushed back.

"What the?" starts Kai but is cut off by a wooden stake staking him in the heart killing him

"Seriously? Now where am I supposed to find another magically gifted psychopath?" You question annoyed to the older green eyed man

But before you can attack him, he injects you with a vervain filled needle.

Well this can't get any better. You think before you pass out

"Scott so owes me." says Chris as he grabs your body dragging it out of the hotel

You awake with a groan to find yourself tied up in a chair in the living room of the McCall. You mouth is also covered with tape.

I bet this is all stupid goody two shoes Scott's idea. You think while rolling your eyes

Suddenly Scott appears from the kitchen and his eyes widened once he sees you.

"I didn't expect for you to wake up so soon." says Scott

You say something incredibly rude at this but it's muffled by the tape.

"I'm sorry about Kai." says Scott but you just shrug in response not feeling a thing

"Chris thought it might turn your humanity back on if he killed him, but obviously that didn't work." says Scott as he inches closers towards you

"I don't really know a for sure way to help you, but I brought some people here that can hopefully turn your humanity back on." says Scott before he rips the duct tape off of your mouth

"Good luck with that." You scuff with a glare

Scott leaves the room heading upstairs to his bedroom.

"Now remember she has her humanity off. If she says thing and I mean anything rude, it's not her. Just try and edge an emotional reaction from her. Happy or sad." advices Scott

Stiles heads downstairs first. Just like Scott, Stiles was one of your best friend. You liked to call him a lovable dork.

"Hey, Y/N." says Stiles somewhat nervously as he was not sure what to say to you

"Great it's the pathetic human." You say after you rolled your eyes

"I know this isn't you Y/N." says Stiles though a flash of hurt does go through his eyes

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