Kol Mikaelson (Requested)

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Requested by @nyazmendes

Katharina runs fast trying desperately trying to outrun the vampire chasing after her.

I'm so dead. This is all Klaus's fault. Katharina thinks as she runs by tree after tree

yesterday morning, Katharina sat next to Kol Mikaelson, her boyfriend. Her legs were resting on his leg as his arm rests on her waist.

"You want to go see a movie tonight?" asks Kol, smiling largely at his girlfriend

"Of course." answers Katharina

But before they could discuss which movie to see, Klaus waltzes in.

"Aww, aren't you two lovebirds cute." says Klaus

Katharina just looks at him with an emotionless look.

Katharina has never liked him because she has heard all the bad things he has done especially to Kol.

Kol, on the other hand, rolls his eyes.

"What do you want brother?" asks Kol

"I need you to watch Hope tonight." answers Klaus

"I can't. Kat and I have a date tonight." says Kol

Klaus suddenly glares at this.

"You are a guest in my home. If I ask you to do something you will do it." says Klaus making Kol laugh

"Hire a babysitter, I'm going out. You aren't my boss Niklaus." says Kol

"You know, I liked you better before you starting dating this one." says Klaus making Katharina scoff

"Brother, leave. I don't care if you don't like my girlfriend because I love her." says Kol making Katharina smile as she leaves over and places a kiss to Kol's lips

As they do, they both hear Klaus huff before he stomps away making them laugh.

Kol and Katharina walk side by side their hands intertwined together as they walk back from the movies.

"Did you like the movie?" asks Katharina as Kol swings their hands back and forth

"It was-" starts Kol until a scream coming from the alleyway cuts him off

The couple looks at each other confused before they make their way to it.

"Stay behind me." instructs Kol gently pushing the brunette behind him

Even though Kat was a vampire, Kol is always worried about her getting hurt. He is an original vampire so he can't be killed but Kat can be by one tiny little wooden stake.

They speed towards the alleyway to find Klaus staking a male vampire.

"What are you doing brother?" asks Kol sighing at him

"Aww brother why don't you and your girl join in on the fun?" asks Klaus with a smirk as blood drips down his face

"You're disgusting." says Katharina as she eyes the bodies Klaus is surrounded by

"Thanks, dear." says Niklaus then a blonde haired girl appears

"Roy!" she yells running to one of the dead vampires on the ground

"You! You killed him!" yells the girl with tears running down her face

Katharina looks at her sympathetically knowing she wouldn't know what to do if Kol ever died.

"I'm going to get revenge mark my words." says the girl

She looks at Katharina right in the eyes before she zooms away.

Kol and Klaus burst out laughing obviously not thinking the girl is a threat but Kat can't help but be a bit worried.

Now, here Kat is trying to run out the blonde haired girl from yesterday that is chasing her through the woods. Suddenly she trips on a branch and tumbles to the ground. Panic sets in since Katharina knows she just lost her lead on the girl. Katharina scrambles to grab her phone so she can call Kol but before she can a stake pierces through her heart. Pain goes through her body as the girl zooms away.

"Kol." whispers Katharina before she goes still as she slips into the light

"Have you guys seen Katharina?" asks Kol, who was a little worried since Kat has been gone for a few hours now without a single call from her

"Aww, is little Kol so whipped he can't go a few hours without his pretty little girlfriend?" asks Klaus with a teasing look on his face

"No, I haven't." answers Elijah

"I'm going to go look for her." says Kol concerned before he zooms out of the house

Kol quickly starts tracking Katharina and soon finds himself in the woods. He grows scared as he smells blood, Kat's blood to be precise.

"Katharina!" He yells as he speeds to her

His heartbreaks at the sight in front of him. Tears flow down his eyes as he crumpled to his knees next to Katharina.

"Kat...Kat. You can't be gone....Kat." whispers out Kol as he holds Kat in his arms

Sadness engulfed him as he rocks the back and forth. After 10 minutes, Kol finally notices the note laying on the ground. He quickly grabs it and anger takes over once he goes. Kol zooms home and places Kat down on his bed but before he zooms to find Klaus.

Once he does, he chucks a bottle of alcohol at his head.

"What was that?" asks Klaus confused after he grabs the alcohol bottle not letting it hit him

"You got her killed!" answers Kol, anger coursing through him

Klaus just stares at him confused.

"Kat's dead. That blonde from last night killed her because you killed her boyfriend." says Kol

"Brother, I-" starts Klaus

"Save it. You always find some way to ruin my life." says Kol before he zooms away

Rebekah walks into her brother's room after hearing the news of Kat's death. She spots him in the corner drinking while he holds something shiny in his hand.

"Kol." says Rebekah softly

"You know, I going to ask her to marry me. I even bought a ring last night. I was planning on asking her tomorrow." says Kol as he stares at the ring tears falling softly down his face

Rebekah looks at him sympathetically as she sits down next to him.

"But of course, things never go right for me." says Kol looking over at Rebekah

"She's gone and she isn't coming back." says Kol as more tears flow down his face

Instantly Rebekah pulls her brother into a hug as he sobs. Knowing nothing she could do or say would help him. He just lost the girl he loves and the marry he wanted to marry.


I'm at the point in the school year where I need it to be over soon but I know I'm not even half way done.

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