Isaac/Nolan (Requested)

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Requested by @beaconhillsdolan

  Samantha Dunbar walks into school right next to her brother, Liam. When Sam notices her best friend, Theo Raeken, waving at her. Who decided to return to school so he could get his high school diploma. Samantha waves back smiling largely making her brother scoff.

"Why do you have to be friends with him?" asks Liam rolling his eyes

"Shut up. We know you secretly love him." says Samantha winking making Liam blush before she heads off to find her boyfriend

She sneaks up behind her boyfriend at his locker placing her hands over his eyes.

"Guess who?" says a smiling Sam making Nolan chuckle

" it my gorgeous girlfriend?" says Nolan playing along

"Correct. One point for you." says Samantha smiling removing her hands from Nolan's face as Nolan turns to face her

"What do my points get me?" asks Nolan smiling as he places his hand on Samantha's waist

"Hmm...for every point you get a kiss." says Samantha smiling as she wraps her arms around Nolan's neck

Smiling largely Nolan leans down and kisses Samantha softly. As they pull apart, they head to class holding hands and complaining about the chemistry test they have.

"Scott has called an emergency meeting at his house." says Liam running up to Samantha and Theo after school

"Please tell me the Ghost Riders aren't back." says Samantha

"I don't think that's it but it must be something big to make Scott came all the way back from college for it. So we gotta go." says Liam grabbing Sam's arm

"I'm coming." says Theo following the siblings

"No you're not." says Liam making Samantha roll her eyes at her brother's idiocy

"Yes, he is. Come on Theo." says Sam willing out of her brother's grip to grab Theo's arm

Theo smirks slightly as Samantha leads him by Liam. Sighing Liam follows after his sister and crush.

"What's wrong?" Immediately asks Sam as she bursts into Scott's house with Theo and Liam

"Nothing's wrong. Why would you think something's wrong?" says Scott looking at Sam confused

"You called an emergency pack meeting. What would we think? The last time you called one was to tell us about the Hunters." says Samantha

"It's nothing like that, I promise, but we have to wait on the others' to show up." says Scott

"I can't believe I broke every speed limit to get here just to sit and wait." mutters Samantha sitting down on the couch; her words making Theo and Liam chuckle slightly

"What's wrong?" asks Stiles busting through Scott's front door with Malia and Lydia

"Nothing's wrong!" answers Scott sounding semi annoyed

"Then why did you call a meeting?" asks Malia looking confused as she walks over to Scott

"Because an old friend of ours is back." answers Scott smiling

"Kira's back." says Sam hopeful smiling as she turns to Scott

"No, I am." says voice with a tinge of a French accent

Everyone's head snaps to see a brown haired blue eyed tall guy.

"That's not Kira." says Samantha slightly disappointed as she stands up

"Who is he?" asks Liam

"Scarf boy." says Stiles smirking

"I'm Isaac Lahey, and who are you?" asks blue-eyed guy stepping closer to Samantha

"Samantha Dunbar." says Samantha holding her hand out to shake his hand

But instead of that, Isaac lifts Sam's hand to his lips and softly kisses it. Sam softly blushes. Liam then shoves Sam over glaring at Isaac.

"And I'm her brother." adds Liam not liking Isaac's actions

  That was a month and a half ago. Even though Isaac is now aware of the fact Sam has a boyfriend now Isaac still is always flirting with her. For some reason for the past two weeks, Nolan has been distant to Samantha. And Sam just can't seem to figure out why.

  Samantha heads into the girl's locker room to grab some kind of sporting equipment for her friend. Instead of seeing a normal empty locker room like she expected, she sees her boyfriend and a blonde girl kissing.

"Nolan." says Samantha shocked and hurt, tears already forming in her eyes

"Sam." says Nolan shocked as he pulls away from the blonde turning to the teary blue eyed girl

Sam rushes out not wanting the girl or Nolan to see her tears. She makes it to the end of the hall when a hand grabs her arm.

"Let me explain." says Nolan

"There's nothing to explain, Nolan. We're over." says Sam pulling her arm away from Nolan before leaving Beacon Hills High School

   Samantha rushing inside her house throwing her school bag down. That's when her doorbell rings making Samantha let out an annoyed groan. She quickly wipes the tears off of her face not wanting whoever at the door to see her a mess. Samantha opens her front door to reveal Isaac Lahey.

"Hey I was just-what's wrong?" asks Isaac noting Samantha's tear stained face

"Nolan cheat...cheated on me." answers Samantha tears falling down her face

"He did what? I'm going to kill him." says Isaac angrily before he realizes how upset Sam is

He quickly pulls her into a tight hug after he shuts her front door.

"Don't cry over him. He is an idiot if he cheats on an amazing girl like you." says Isaac

"I just....I can't believe he cheated on me." says Samantha sniffling as she pulls away from Isaac a little, his arms still around her waist

"He's the dumbest guy in the world to cheat on the best girl I know." says Isaac wiping away a tear that falls down Samantha's face

   Samantha and Isaac eyes lock both of just staring into each others eyes. Both of them lean into a nice, gentle, sparks filled kiss. They pull back smiling largely at each other. But there happy staring is cut off by the door opening. Their heads snap to the door to see a very heated kissing Liam and Theo. Sam gasps loudly causing them to pull apart. Liam and Theo's head snap to Isaac and Sam. Liam instantly starts blushing while Theo just smirks.

"I knew it!" squeals Sam smiling happy making Isaac chuckle at the brunette's excitement


Can't wait for the new Riverdale episode tonight!! I can't wait to see some Bughead!! Also I know Vanessa Morgan's character is trouble for them but I really like Vanessa so I can't wait to see her in the show.

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