Friends' Approval-Chris Schistad

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Idea Request by @kat1770

"I don't like him." says Jonas as Isak, Magnus, Mahdi, and him glare at Chris Schistad who stands with some other penetrators

"Guys, can you please stop glaring at my boyfriend?" You ask with a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment

Annoyance since they do this consistently since they don't trust or like Chris. Embarrassment since you know Chris knows they are glaring at him.

"We'll stop glaring at him when he isn't your boyfriend." answers Mahdi making you sigh

You love the boys, you really do, they are some of your best friends but you wish they would stop with their protectiveness.

"Guys, I have been with Chris for months now can't you at least pretend to like him?" You say

"Sure." says Isak making you smile

"Jonas, I love Chris. Who couldn't love a guy who has been with more girls than a small village?" says Isak making you groan as the boys laugh

"You guys are so annoying." You huff before you walk off in search of Eva

"I just wish the guys would at least trying to like Chris." You explain as the two of you walk to class together

"Have you told them that?" asks Eva

"Yes, but they don't seem to care or they just don't listen to me." You answer

Eve gives you a sympathetic before you head into the classroom.

"Hey, babe." says Chris as he walks up to you after school with a huge grin

"Hey." You say leaning up to peck his soft lips

"You coming over tonight?" You question as you hold Chris's hand

"Of course, I'll be over as soon our bus meeting is over." answers Chris

"Can't wait." You say smiling before you lean up and press a kiss to Chris's lips

You give him a smile as the two of you pull apart. You start to leave when Chris's grabs your arm pulling you back to him which is when he kisses you.

"Sorry, I just really wanted another kiss." says Chris with a grin

You giggle at your boyfriend before this time you actually deport from him.

"You guys make me sick." says Jonas as he joins your side with Isak for the walk home

You sigh at Jonas's comment.

"Guys.." You say giving them a glare

   Chris Schistad sure was a total fuck boy there is no way anyone could deny that. But then you caught Chris's eye. Then everything changed for the penetrator boy. Chris knew as soon as he saw you he wanted to be with you and more than just a hookup. He wanted to be your boyfriend. With some begging and pleading, you hesitantly agreed to one date with the brown eyed boy. You know about Chris and his reputation so you weren't sure doing on a date with him was a good idea. But when Chris asked you out every day for a week every hour you gave in. Your glad you did because it was a great start to an amazing relationship. You just wish the boys could see that.

You sit next to Chris as the two of you lay in bed together watching a movie. Chris plays with your hair as you try to focus on the movie.

   Chris is a really good boyfriend especially for you being his first real, serious girlfriend. It was actually quite funny though that Chris happens to be a somewhat clingy boyfriend. Chris loves to be around you all the time whether it was hugging or just hanging out or you know doing more......passionate things. Chris normally is at your house after school, but sometimes the two of you go to his apartment which is fun. Dates away from either of your homes are normally spending either doing something a bit crazy or making out in Chris's car somewhere after attempting to look at the stars. Chris and you knew each other quite well and he knew when something was bothering you.

"What's bothering you?" asks Chris

"It's nothing." You lie, keeping your eyes on the tv

"Babe, tell me. Please." says Chris giving you his puppy dog eyes as you look at him

You sigh giving in since you can't seem to resist his puppy dog eyes.

"Fine.......I just-I wish the boys would just give you a chance." You say and Chris knows you are referring to Isak and the others

Chris obviously is aware that the boys' dislike him a lot so it didn't come as a shock to him. He just wasn't really sure what to do.

"I know babe, me too." says Chris before he kisses the top of your head

Chris could tell you were quite upset with the fact that Jonas's little group weren't very keen on your relationship. So Chris decided to take matters into his own hands and see if he could get them to warm up to him.

"Hey guys." says Chris with a smile plastered on his face as he walks up the group the next day at school

You weren't there since you are helping Eva study in the library.

"Hey...Chris." says Jonas eying the brown-eyed boy suspiciously

"You guys coming to the penetrator party tonight?" asks Chris

"Yeah, we all are." answers Magnus

"Great, well, by the way, I overheard some year three girls talking about how handsome you guys are. I told them you were coming and they can't wait." says Chris hoping this makes the boys at least hate him less

"Really?" questions a wide-eyed Mahdi and Chris nods

"Thanks, bro." says Jonas with a grin

"Look, I just wanted to talk to you guys about Y/N." says Chris, suddenly becoming a little nervous

The air quickly changes from one of laid back to tense at the hearing of your name.

"What about her? Did you cheat on her?" instantly questions Jonas glaring at the older boy

"No, no of course." quickly replies Chris

"Then what is it?" jumps in Isak

"I just want you guys to know that I love Y/N and I don't plan on hurting her at all." starts Chris, his words shocking the boys because they would tell the Schistad boy is being truthful

"I know you guys all view Y/N as a sister, but I promise I won't hurt her. She means a lot to me. I hope you guys and me can at least be friendly with each other for Y/N." says Chris

You head to lunch when Jonas and the others join your side.

"We changed our mind. We like him." says Magnus and you look at him confused

"You like who?" You ask

"Chris. We like him." answers Jonas

"Are you guys feeling okay?" You asks suspiciously

"Yes, we just had a talk with Chris and he changed our mind. He's good for you." answered Isak making you smile

"I love you guys." You grin as you pull them all into a group hug

"I know that you talked to the boys." You say as you hold Chris's hand as you walk towards his car

"You seemed upset about it so I thought if I talked to them and they ended up liking me you wouldn't be so upset." says Chris with a shrug not thinking it was a big deal

"Thank you, it might a lot to me." You say with appreciative grin

How did I get so lucky? You think

"No problem." says Chris leaning down to press a kiss to your lips

"I love you." admits Chris as he snakes his arms around your waist while giving you a nervous smile

"I love you too." You say making Chris relax as his smile grows

You smile before he presses his lips to yours.


The holiday time always leaves me tired. I'm not ready for New Year events I have to attend. Do you guys have any New Year's resolutions?

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