Broken Pieces-Matt Donovan

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You sit on the side of the road crying, while your heart is in pieces. Tiny broken and cracked pieces.

~30 Minutes Ago-

You walked into the Salvatore's house a smile on your face since you couldn't wait to see your boyfriend of five months, Stefan Salvatore. You were away on vacation with your parents and you came back a day early so you were excited to surprise Stefan. Your parents dropped you off since you told them Stefan will probably drive you home or that you planned to stay the night.

This is going to be great. He is going to be so shocked and happy. You thought with a goofy smile

Instead of finding your boyfriend sipping his bourbon and dancing around the house, you found not just a naked him, but also a naked Elena.

"Oh, my gosh!" You yelled as tears gathered in your eyes

"Y/N." said, Stefan, as Elena desperately tried to cover herself

"I can't believe this." You said sadly as Stefan walks towards you

"Y/N, I'm sorry, but I-" started Stefan

"Just save it Stefan, and by the way, we are definitely over." You said before you look at Elena, your now ex-best friend

   You shake your head at her your feelings of betrayal, anger, and sadness clear on your face before you left the house with tears flowing down your face.

Now you sit on the side of a road all alone and sobbing. You didn't know how you were going to get home unless you walk all the there.

Great, can't anything just go right today? You think as you feel droplets of rain falling on to your skin

You wipe away the tears from your cheeks as you stand up.

I better head home before it starts to pour. You think as you start the long walk home

Matt drives home with a sigh and a bit sad as his ex-girlfriend is now dating his best friend. While he drives, he notices something up ahead.

"Is that Y/N?" asks Matt out loud to himself as he stares at the back of your walking figure

Matt slows down as he gets closer to you before he eventually is at your walking speed.

"Y/N?" says Matt as he rolls down his window

   You turn to face Matt and he instantly can see that you have been crying. Your cheeks are stained from tears, your eyes are a bit puffy, and your nose is a bit red.

"Matt?" You say a bit shocked to see him

"What are you doing walking on the side of the road?" asks Matt confused

"It's a long story." You answer

"Okay, how about you hop in? I'll drive you where you need to go." says Matt as he stops his car

"Thanks, Matt." You say giving him a small smile before you climb in the car

    Matt and you had a friendship, not a close friendship or anything. You guys would do class projects together sometimes and when all your shared friend went out you guys would talk, but you guys weren't best friends or anything.

"So what's wrong?" asks Matt after he gave you a blanket he had in the back seat of his car

You sniffle a little as imagines of Elena and Stefan flash in your head.

"I-I just caught Stefan and Elena together.... naked." You answer

"He-he has been cheating on you?" questions Matt a bit of anger in his voice as his fists ball up

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