Too Late-Stiles Stilinski + Theo Raeken

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You stand at your locker grabbing your books out of your locker when Stiles comes bouncing up to you. You sigh as you prepare yourself for the question he is undoubtedly going to ask.

"Hey Y/N." says Stiles smiling at you

Stiles is your best friend along with Scott. You guys have been friends for forever it seems like. 

"Hey." You say giving him a small smile in return

"Wanna walk to class?" asks Stiles

"Sure." You answer

You guys start to walk to class and you instantly know he is about to pop the question.

"Do you think Lydia likes me?" asks Stiles

You hold in a groan at this.

You have had a crush on Stiles since even before he had one on Lydia Martin. You have never told him about your feelings since it seems he only has eyes for a certain strawberry blonde haired girl.

"Stiles, I have no idea." You answer with your usually shrug

It was true. Lydia and you are friends but not close enough friends that she would tell you who she likes. You're closer to Malia than you are with Lydia.

Stiles sighs at this.

"I just wish I knew if she likes me or not." says Stiles as you head into class

You give him a sympathetic look as you two sit down.

You knew part of you was stupid to still have hope that Stiles would return your feelings. Since he definitely is in love with Lydia.

You walk down the hall heading towards literature when a hand grabs your wrist pulling you into the boys' locker room.

You start to scream as you struggle in his grip until a familiar voice stops you.

"Relax, it's just me." says Theo as you turn to face him

"You scared the crap out of me!" You say a little angry

"Sorry, how about I make it up to you?" asks Theo with a smirk as he moves his face closer to yours.

Theo and you have hooked up a few times in the past. You were feeling lonely and Theo was horny that was it. It was supposed to be no feelings and no strings. But it seems Theo doesn't get that. He ended up following you around all the time.

"Theo, you know it was only a two time thing. I'm not really into random hook ups." You say sighing

"Then how about you let me take you on a date?" asks Theo

You start to chuckle thinking he was just joking until you see that he is a hundred percent serious.

"Wait you're serious?" You question shocked at this new reveal

Theo nods a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah, I'm very serious." whispers Theo into your ear while he drags his bottom lip over your earlobe

A shiver goes down your body.

"Theo, I-" You start

"Think about all the fun we could have. We could do on dates. Like we could go to the fair tonight and I could win you a huge teddy hair. And then we could ride the Ferris wheel." says Theo with a grin

You thought it over. Theo and you did have some fun times together besides just hooking up. You of course have some attraction to him and he has always been nice to you.

"So how about it Y/N?" asks Theo

"Sounds good to me." You answer smiling

Theo smiles brightly before he presses his lips to yours.

You walk into school the next morning hand in hand with Theo. Last nights date actually went pretty perfect. You had an amazingly time as did Theo. He won you the cutest bear at the fair and you did ride the Ferris wheel. And of course, you did the very cheesy kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel. You guys decided to go right after school after having some fun in the locker room.

"You ready for the calculus test?" asks Theo looking down at you

You groan in response.

"No. I'm probably going to fail." You answer making Theo chuckle

"You won't fail. I can help you study during lunch." says Theo making you smile

Theo bends down as you lean up until a voice yelling stops your movements.

"What?" yells Stiles as he stomps towards you two

A mixture of anger and shock in his eyes.

"What is this?" He asks his hand doing some weird gesture at you two

Theo smirks at him.

"Y/N and I are dating. And I'm pretty sure you can kiss someone who you are dating." says Theo

"Your dating Theo, as in Theo Raeken as in the evil chimera who turned a bunch of people into a chimera and then tried to kill Scott?" questions Stiles

You nod as you bite your lip knowing Stiles is about to have one of his freak out moments.

"Did he threaten you? Blink twice if you're in danger." says Stiles grabbing your shoulders, pulling you slightly away from Theo

"Stiles, Theo didn't threaten me. I like him." You say

After your date last night, you had decided you made the right choice. You had a great time last night and you actually really like Theo. You think you guys could actually have a nice relationship together.

"You.....have you gone insane?" asks Stiles, his eyes twitching

You laugh at him as you wiggle out of his grip.

"No, but we have class so I'll see you later." You say with a smile as you take Theo's hand in yours

You drag him away as Theo laughs slightly with Stiles watching you guys in confusion.

The next two months went by in a blur, Theo and you are still happily together.

Stiles watches with a annoyed look on his face as you kiss Theo from down the hall.

"Scott." says Stiles as he appears next to him

"I messed up." Stiles says looking at him before his eyes snap back to you

"What are you talking about?" asks Scott confused

"I have feelings for Y/N, strong feelings." answers Stiles

"That's great buddy." says Scott smiling since he knew about your feelings for him from before you started dating the Raeken boy

"No, it's not because I'm too late now. She's with Theo. She's happy with Theo." says Stiles looking down

"I'm too late." softly says Stiles sadly


Really want to see The Greatest Showman mainly just because Zac Efron's in it.

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