Herman Tommeraas (Requested)

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Requested by @isabella_selman

Isabella heads inside her house crying breaking down from the conversation she just had. She's pregnant with her ex-boyfriend's baby. Isabella had just returned from talking with her ex. He needed to know she was carrying his child. They broke up a week ago and she just found out she is pregnant. Isabella was hoping he would at least want to be involved sometimes or help a little. But he didn't want to at all. He is not interested in being part of Isabella's baby's life. Isabella sits down on her couch tears streaming down her face. Isabella didn't know what to do. She had no clue how to raise a baby. Isabella is terrified and rightfully so.

Herman stands on Isabella's purse an hour later holding a bouquet of flowers. He stands there nervously.

Today's the day. Thinks Herman as he bites his lip from nervous

Today was the day he was going to tell his best friend his feelings for her. Herman has been in love with Isabella for years now but he has always been too scared to tell her. But today he was going to tell her before it's too late. Herman quickly rings the doorbell and waits nervously for Isabella to answer the door. It opens to reveal Isabella a few minutes later causing Herman's nerves to grow. Herman notices her eyes are a little red but he just assumes she probably had just watched one of those sad romantic movies she likes or a sad commercial had just come on.

"Hey, Herman." says Isabella forcing a smile on her face

"Hey.....Isabella I, um, I have something to tell you." squeaks out Herman

Please let it be good news. I can't take any more bad news. Thinks Isabella as she looks at her best friend, also she was a little curious to why he has a bouquet of flowers in his hands

"Okay..." says Isabella as she lets Herman in

"Look, I have feelings for Isabella and I have for a while now. I really really like you and I know you and Tyler just broke up but I really really want to go out with. I..it's okay if you don't feel the same way, I just had to tell you before I went crazy." rambles Herman looking down at the floor, a little worried about Isabella's reaction to this news

"I like you too Herman." admits Isabella smiling a little but it as an almost sad one

Isabella has liked Herman for a while now as well.....but she was pregnant now so things have changed. She thought Herman wouldn't want to be with her now because of that.

Herman looks up at Isabella a large grin forming on his face as his eyes light up with happiness.

"But we can't be together." adds Isabella causing that smile to falter on Herman's face

"Wait...what? Why?" questions Herman confused

Isabella likes me and I like her so what's the problem? Thinks Herman

"Because I'm.....I'm pregnant...with Tyler's baby." answers Isabella

"Oh.....so you guys are getting back together?" asks Herman heartbroken as he looks away from Isabella not being to look in the eyes

"No, um......he doesn't want to be involved with me or the baby." answers Isabella looking down as tears fill her eyes

"I want to be." decides Herman taking a step closer to Isabella

"W-w-what?" asks Isabella shocked in her eyes as she looks up at him

"I want to be with you, Isabella. And I don't care that the baby isn't mine, I want to be there for you and for the baby." says Herman taking Isabella hands in his

"I want to be the lucky one who gets to take you on dates and I want to be the one that gets you kiss you every day. I want to be your guy. And I want to be there for the baby. I want to go to your appointments with you. I want to go with you and the baby to the park. I want to teach it to play basketball no matter what gender the baby is." says Herman so excited and genuine that it brings tears to Isabella's brown eyes

"So how about you let me take you on a date?" says Herman smiling

"Okay." says Isabella softly

"Okay?" questions Herman in shock that Isabella had agreed

Isabella chuckles a little as she nods yes. Herman's grin grows as he reaches on hand to cup Isabella's face before he pulls her into a sweet kiss.

Isabella now watches as Herman holds Gabriella playing with her. He carefully throws her up into the air and then quickly catches her causing Gabriella to squeal with happiness. Herman stops after about five times needing a break.

"She's so cute." says Herman looking at Gabriella with loving eyes

"Yeah, she is." says Isabella as walks up to Herman, placing a hand on his shoulder as Gabriella touches Herman's face

"Dada." says Gabriella, a smile on her face

Isabella and Herman eyes both widen at this before an excited expression takes over Herman's face. His eyes lighting up and his grin growing.

"She called me dada! She called me dada." says Herman basically jumping up and down with happiness

"Yes she did." says Isabella smiling

Her heart filled with happiness watching the man she loves and her daughter being so happy. Herman smiles before he plants a big kiss on Isabella's lips.

"Say it again, please." says Herman smiling as Isabella and he pulls apart his focus returning to Gabriella

Isabella chuckles at his excitement.

"Dada!" says Gabriella

How did I get so lucky? I got the best daughter in the world and the best boyfriend in the universe. I wouldn't trade them for anything. thinks Isabella smiling

"I love you." says Isabella

"I love you too." says Herman looking at Isabella with a huge smile before pulling her into another kiss


I'm going to be really sad when people stop making those cute Instagram AUs for TW. I love them so much especially the ones with Thiam in it. My favorite one atm has to be the one stydiaspath is currently doing. I love it!

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