A Christmas Tradition-Reggie Mantle

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"I can't believe we have to do community service on Christmas Eve." You say as you pick up trash with Reggie and the others in the woods

"I just can't believe they sent us into the woods alone with a serial killer running around." says Ronnie

"I didn't even do any drugs. I just had one beer." You groan annoyed

"Well, sweetheart that one was enough for you to be scooping trash." says Reggie as he joins your side

You roll your eyes at his comment.

Reggie and you are best friends. You guys have been friends since you were little.

"Well if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gone to that party." You say as you pick up another piece of trash

"That's not true." says Reggie and you give him a look

"Reggie you showed up to my house and picked me up then put me in your car. Then dragged me inside the hotel room." You say

"So maybe....I was wrong, but you have to admit you had fun." says Reggie

"Yeah, until Betty made things awkward." You say making Reggie

"You gotta admit that was kind of funny." says Reggie nudging you with his elbow

"Only you would find that funny." You say shaking your head

"You coming over tonight?" You ask

Reggie also stays over at your house on Christmas Eve. The you two of you have been doing this since you were 10. So you could say it's sort of a tradition.

"Of course, Y/L/N." He says throwing his arm over your shoulder

"You want me to bring some jingle jangle for tonight?" whispers Reggie

You shakes your head in disbelief.

He never learns does he? You think

"Why am I friends with you?" You ask

"Because I bring excitement into your life." answers Reggie smirking

"More like trouble." You mutter

You sit at home watching tv hours later waiting for Reggie to arrive when your doorbell rings. You stand up and open the door to find Betty Cooper instead of Reggie Mantle.

"Hey, Betty, what's up?" You ask as you let her in

Betty and you are friends but not close friends. So it's a little weird for her to show up at your house on Christmas Eve.

"I....I need to tell you something." breathes out Betty

"Okay?" You say confused

"Archie has a thing for you. Please don't tell V." says Betty

Her words instantly shock you.

"W-w-what?" You say, your eyes wide

"Just don't tell him I told you." says Betty

Archie likes me? What the? You think very confused since you have only spoken to him like 6 times in your whole life

"Okay." You say

"Well, I have to go, Ronnie's expecting me but Merry Christmas." says Betty

"Merry....Christmas." You say still trying to process that Archie Andrews likes you

Betty gives you a small smile before she leaves.

If Veronica ever finds out I'm dead. You think as you sit down

You would never get involved with Archie while he is dating Veronica but Ronnie still might kill you if she finds out about Archie's little crush.

Before you can continue to freak out, your doorbell rings again. You rush to the door to find Reggie Mantle holding a bunch of candy cane and wearing a Santa hat. You chuckle as you let the Mantle boy inside your house.

"I brought you one too." says Reggie as he puts the candy canes on your coffee table before he throws a Santa hat at your face

"You are a child." You say as you put the Santa hat on

"A hot one though." says Reggie with a smirk as he flops down on your couch

He is an idiot. You think before you head to the kitchen to get the brownies you baked.

You sit down next to Reggie whose eyes instantly light up at the sight of brownies.

"Oooh." says Reggie who then instantly steals one

"Sure, you can have one." you say sarcastically as Reggie shoves it into his mouth

He grins with a mouthful of brownie. You laugh at him before you pick up the remote.

"Okay, what do you want to watch?" You ask as you look through the Christmas movie section of Netflix

"None of those Hallmark like movies." answers Reggie while he eats another brownie

"Okay, how about ELF?" You say

"Sounds good." shrugs Reggie

You smile excited for the movie as you start the movie. You snuggle up to Reggie's side as he wraps an around you.

Half way through the movie you can't help but drift into your thoughts. You are still a little bit worried about the whole Archie likes you thing.

Should I tell Ronnie? I don't want her to hate me. You think whole biting your lip

You are so in your thoughts that you don't even notice that Reggie has pause the movie.

"Okay, what's on your mind?" asks Reggie snapping you out of your thoughts

"What?....nothing." You say

Reggie sighs dramatically and then before you take move he starts tickling you.

"I guess we'll have to go this the hard way." says Reggie as you laugh

"Stop! Stop!" You say as you laugh

"Not until you tell me." says Reggie as he continues to tickle you

"Fine, fine! I'll tell you." You say then Reggie stops

"Betty came by earlier and told me that Archie has a crush on me." You say after taking a moment to catch your breath

Reggie tenses at this.

"W-what?" questions Reggie shocked

"That's what I said. I don't even talk to Archie,but that's not what I'm worried about. He's dating Veronica. She'll hate me if she finds out." You explain

"Do you like him back?" asks Reggie tense and you could see a little bit of worry and anger in his eyes

His question makes you slightly blush.

"He's cute...but no, he's not really my type. I'm not into musicians and besides he has a girlfriend. I could never do that to Ronnie." You answer which makes Reggie feel a little more relaxed

"Y/N, I need to tell you something." says Reggie slightly nervous

"Okay?" You say a little concerned by how nervous and serious Reggie sounded

"I....I have feelings for you." confessed Reggie as h looks at you

"You.....have feelings for me?" You say shocked

Back in eighth grade, you developed feelings for Reggie but you buried those feelings when he started dating Stacy. But then all of a sudden those feelings came back in waves.

"I like you too." You confess a few seconds later once you recover from the shock of the news

Reggie smiles before he leans over and presses his lips to yours.


I wish we got the whole month of December off from school.

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