Brett Talbot (Requested)

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Requested by @TrueTeenWolfFan

Ayla heads into her house crying, tears falling down her frowning face.

I'm so stupid. She thinks as Ayla sits down on her brown couch; placing her head in her hands

The events of the past hour replaying in her head.

"I like you Liam Dunbar." Ayla said as walk together towards the lacrosse bleachers at Beacon Hills High School

Ayla is a student of Devenford Prep with Brett. Brett is actually Ayla's best friend.

"I...Ayla, I'm sorry but I like Theo." said Liam looking very awkward

"Oh..okay. It's fine." says Ayla an embarrassed blush creeping its way onto her face

"I'm sorry." says Liam looking at Ayla sympathetically

But before either one can say anything, Coach drags Liam away. Ayla sighs before she heads towards where Brett is. Ayla didn't want to stay for the game because she was too embarrassed, heartbroken, and right now she just couldn't see Liam.

"Hey." says Brett smiling at Ayla

Before he notices her chemosignals that reek of sadness.

"What's wrong?" asks Brett

"Nothing...but um, I think I'm going to head home." answers Ayla looking down knowing if she looks into Brett's eyes she would break down and tell Brett

But Ayla didn't want to distract Brett for the big game. Knowing Brett would be too focused on how to make her feel better than the actual game.

"Are you sure?" asks Brett not wanting Ayla to leave

"Yeah, but good luck not that you need it. You'll do great." says Ayla

"I'm coming over after the game." stated Brett

And Ayla knew there was no use in agreeing with him because Brett isn't going to change his mind.

"Okay." says Ayla before she heads to the parking lot to go home

She grabs one of the throws pillows on the couch and hugs it to her chest. At first, Ayla drove around for awhile not really wanting to be alone in her house. But Ayla returned home since she was tired of driving. She stands up and heads to the kitchen wanting some ice cream to comfort her.

I'm so embarrassed. How did I not know Liam wasn't into girls? Thinks Ayla as she grabs a tube of ice cream out of the fridge

As she starts to eat her ice cream, the doorbell rings. Groaning Ayla heads to her front door with her ice cream still in her hands. She opens to reveal a very tall werewolf boy still wearing his lacrosse gear and smells like sweat.

"You stink." says Ayla as she lets a smelly Brett into her house

"So what's wrong? You never leave a game." says Brett jumping straight to the point

", I sort of told Liam how I felt and it turns out he likes Theo." explains Ayla looking down embarrassed

Brett looks at the upset and heartbroken girl. The girl he is also in love with.

"I'm sorry Ayla, I know you really liked him." says Brett as he pulls the brunette into a tight hug

"It's okay I'll get over it. It's not like I was in love with him or anything. It was just a crush." Ayla says as they pull apart

"Look, this probably isn't the right time, but I need to get this off my chest.....I love you Ayla and I've been in love with you for years now." says Brett looking into Ayla's beautiful hazel eyes

"W..w..what?" Ayla asks shocked by her best friend's confession

"I'm in love with you, Ayla and I want to be with you." answered Brett smiling nervously

"I love you to, Brett." Ayla says smiling Brett's smile grows

Brett leans down and presses his lips to Ayla's. Instantly Ayla's hands fly to Brett's hair running through his hair as Brett places his hands on your waist.

That was about three months ago. It has been the best three months of Ayla's life. She smiles as she drives towards Brett's house when her phone rings. She smiles as she it's Brett. Ayla answers the call from her amazing boyfriend.

"Hey, Brettykins." says Ayla smiling knowing how much that nickname annoyed Brett

Brett lets out an annoyed groan at the annoying nickname but a smile still is on his face.

"I hate it when you call me that." says Brett

"I know but-Ahh!" yells Ayla as a car t-bones her

Ayla's car flips over onto it's back. Ayla screams a little as her window breaks the glass hurting her and somehow the car handle stabs her stomach.

"Babe?! Babe!? What's going on?" says Brett as the other hurriedly drives off

"Brett! Help....I'm bleeding and there is a lot of blood." pants out Ayla

"I'm on my way babe, just stay with me." says Brett running out of his house tracking her scent at the same time

"Hurry, Brett. It hurts a lot." says Ayla groaning in pain

"I'm coming, baby." says Brett running faster

20 seconds later, he arrives to where Ayla is. Brett runs to Ayla's flipped over car scared and worried out of his mind.

"Ayla." He breathes out as he crouches down to where Ayla is

"Brett..." breathes out Ayla weakly as tears stream down her face

"Babe, does it hurt?" asks Brett taking Ayla's hand preparing to take her pain away as tears fall down his face

"It doesn't...anymore." answers Ayla weakly

Brett's stomach drops at these words, he knows what this means.

"I love you, Ayla..I love you so so much." says Brett not wanting this to be the end but he knows it is

" you too." says Ayla as she struggles to keep her eyes open

"Baby, close your eyes. It''s okay." says Brett even though it's not

He isn't ready to lose Ayla but he knows if she closes her eyes all her pain and suffering would go away. She would be okay.

"I love you." softly says Ayla before she closes her eyes

Brett listens to her heartbeat and breaks down once it does silent. Sobbing Brett pulls Ayla to him.

"I love you. I love you so much." says Brett crying just wanting to bring Ayla back but he knew that would never happy; that he would have to get use to life with out her and that scares him a lot


Favorite Halloween movie? I love hocus pocus and like three million other ones but that one just stands out to me

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