College-Brett Talbot

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Brett and you sit on the hood of Brett's white Kia that is parked on a cliff in your hands is an envelope from Stanford that you are nervously staring at.

"Babe, just open it." says Brett who is also curious to see if you got in

If you get in then you and Brett will be going to schools in different states. Brett got a lacrosse scholarship to the University of Nevada and you actually got in as well. The only thing that could stop the two of you going to the same college is if you get into Stanford which is your dream school. Brett really didn't want to be that far from you but he would never wish that your dreams didn't happen.

"Okay, okay, here we go." You say nervously

You just to open it but can't because of how nervous you are.

"Can you open it?" You question handing the envelope to Brett

"Sure baby." answers Brett giving you a small smile before he opens it up

He scans over the letter and Brett's heartbeats a bit faster when he reads you got in.

"You got in." breathes out Brett with a mixture of proudness and worry

He was proud of you that you got in knowing you tried really hard but worry because now the two of you will go to separate colleges.

"I got in?" You question in shock and Brett nods

"I got in! I got in!" You squeal happily

"This is great!" You say cheerfully as you wrap your arms around Brett

"Yeah, it's great." says Brett as he hugs you back

She's gonna be miles away from. Thinks Brett as he lays in bed that night cuddling you

His arms are wrapped firmly around you as your head lays on his chest.

Though Brett acts like he has all the confidence in the world, Brett, of course, has insecurities. Most of them about not being enough for you. You are crazy smart, stunning, and the most amazing person on Earth. You could find someone who isn't a werewolf and doesn't have any supernatural drama that could potentially kill you. Beacon Hills isn't the most normal place but sure, college is. Stanford will have a sea of non-werewolf, smart guys that you could be with. Plus the two of you will be in different states and miles away from each other.

Brett would never ask you not to attend Stanford since he knows it is your dream school and would never stop you from going. So right now he just needs to enjoy the time the two of you have together before the two of you go off to college.

I love her so much. Thinks Brett as he looks down at you

"Hey, Hey." Brett says as he tries to wake you up the next morning

"Babe." says Brett as you wake up

"Finally." sighs out Brett

"It's early." You groan as you sit up

"I know, babe, but we didn't get to really celebrate you getting into Stanford last night so I thought we could go to your favorite breakfast place." says Brett forcing a smile on to his face

"And get waffles?" You question as you look at him

You question causes Brett chuckle.

"And get waffles." confirms Brett with a grin

"Then what are we waiting for? I want waffles." You say grabbing Brett's hand in an attempt to drag him out of bed

"This is so good." You say as you eat your waffles

"Babe, slow down. They aren't going to disappear." says Brett laughing slightly

"I know, but they are just so good." You say as you shove more waffle into your mouth making Brett laugh even more

She's so cute. Thinks Brett smiling

"When do you have to go to Nevada for lacrosse training?" You ask as you look at Brett

"Oh, um, I think I have to be there a few weeks before schools starts." answers Brett

You shrug at this causing a thought to pop into Brett's head as you talk about something that Brett isn't listening to.

Why doesn't she seem concerned about this different college thing? Does she not care? thinks Brett confused

Graduation is happening tonight two weeks after you got your Stanford, and you did not seem concerned about the whole college which is driving Brett mad.

Does she not care? Is she not worried about it because she wants to break up? Are all questions running through Brett's mind.

Brett and you sit next to each other waiting for the ceremony to start when you notice something is on Brett's mind.

"Babe, what's wrong? You nervous about walking on the stage?" You question as you take Brett's hand in yours

"No, it's," says Brett trying to figure out what exactly to say

"You don't seem nervous about this whole going to different college things. I meant aren't you even slightly concerned?" finally gets out Brett

"What are you talking about?" You question very confused

"Are you serious Y/N? You don't know what I'm talking about? You are going to Stanford and I'm going to Nevada. We are going to apart. Nothings might changed. You could go and meet some college guy and fall for him. How aren't you even worried?" explains an annoyed Brett Talbot

"Brett, I-" You start but the ceremony begins silencing everyone

"Brett! Wait! Brett!" You yell as you run after him in the parking lot after graduation

"Brett." You say grabbing his arm as you finally catch up to him causing him to look at you

"I'm not concerned because I'm not going to Stanford." You say shocking Brett

"What?" questions Brett confused

"I told you at breakfast after I found out I got in. I didn't get any financial aid." You explain

"Oh." says Brett embarrassed

I should have listened to her. Thinks Brett

You chuckle at the cute werewolf boy as you wrap your arms around him.

"I still think it's cute you were worried about it." You say with a smile

"You do?" questions Brett thinking you would think he is a bit dramatic or something

"Yeah, it shows you care." You say pulling away a bit to look into his gorgeous eyes

Brett gives you a sheepish smile before he pulls you into a sweet kiss.

"I love you." says Brett

"I love you too." You say grinning before you press your lips to his again

I guess even college isn't going to break us apart. Thinks Brett as he continues to kiss your soft lips

I can't wait for college now.


I wish Brett got more scenes in TW, he was amazing.

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