Returning-Kai Parker

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When Kai Parker finally got out of prison the first people he looked for was you. He knew you had to be way older than him by now. I mean decades has pasted but still he needed to find you.

Y/N Y/L/N and Kai Parker the Bonny and Clyde of the twentieth century. The Gemini Coven thought Kai has you under some kind of spell with you being human then. I mean who would want to be friends with a psychopath? But when he went to the prison world and they used a spell to drain any magic placed on you, they found you were indeed not under a spell. They also found out that you were very very angry.

Kai and you were friends back. You are the only person Kai has never wanted to kill.  If he was honest, Kai has always had feelings for you. So here he is looking all over the United States for you.

Kai Parker walks into a bar after he hears that a girl with the same name as yours drinks there regularly. Kai has no clue if it's actually you but he is hopeful.

Kai scans the crowd looking for your y/h/c colored hair. A shocked look forms on his face as he spots you. You are still young as if you haven't aged a day since he last saw you. The shocked look quickly turns into a angry one as you dance with some guy. Kai rushes forward and grabs your arm dragging you out of the bar.

"What the?....Kai." You say shocked

"Kai!" You say smiling as you pull the boy into a hug

Kai hugs you back a smile on his cute sociopath face. You are the only person that he has ever let hug him.

" did you get out? I tried everything to get you out." You say pulling back

"Well, apparently all you need is a Bennett Witch, a descent, and a spell then it's a one way trip out of there." says Kai, a light smile on his face

"I missed you." You confess

"I missed you too." says Kai Parker honestly

There is only one person who Kai would never lie or trick and that person happens to be you.

" are you still young?" asks Kai looking you over

"I'm sort of a vampire now." You answer a little nervous

You didn't know how Kai would take the news.

"That's awesome." says Kai grinning as he thinks of all the crazy things the two of you could do together now that you are a vampire

You smile as his reaction.

You had trouble when you were younger making friends. Younger you was playing alone at the playground when young Kai stumbled up to you. You two ended up becoming friends. You two would almost never leave each other's side until of course he got sent to the prison world.

"You think you could turn me?" asks Kai

"Wait....what?" You say shocked

"Yeah, think about it. I could be a vampire and we could live forever together causing chaos. Doesn't that sound fun?" smirks Kai

"But you'll loose your magic." You say confused since you know that the Parker loves his magic

"That's only if you are a witch. With the power of being a vampire, I should be able to turn to have a consistent power source for my magic. Which means we can have fun all the time." explains Kai

You process the information and once you do a smirk forms on your face. You pierce the skin on your arm with your vampire fangs. Before you zoom to Kai and press your hand to his mouth.

"Drink." You instruct then Kai grips your hand and drinks the blood from your arm

Once he swallows it, he lets go of your arm.

"So now what?" Kai asks as he wipes the blood off of his face

"This." You answer before you quickly snap his face

"Well that's gonna hurt." You say looking down at his body

You shrug before you grab his body and drag it to your hotel room.

You sit in your hotel room seated in a chair reading a magazine while sipping on a cup of blood. You turn the page when a groan is let out from Kai's mouth as he lays on one of the hotel's bed.

"My neck hurts." says Kai as he sits up

You stand up and you head over to him smirking.

"Well you did get your neck snapped. Are you hungry?" You ask

"Yeah." says Kai

"Follow me." You say as you walk out of the bedroom heading towards the living room of the penthouse you are staying in with Kai trailing behind you

"Enjoy." You say pointing to the four humans that you standing still due to your compulsion

Kai smirks before he zooms forward and quickly starts draining one of them.

Kai lets the last human fall to the ground, blood all over his face. You laugh as you walk over to him with a napkin.

"You're a messy eater." You comment as you wipe the blood of his face

"Now you ready to have some fun?" You ask with a smirk as you finish

"Of course." says Kai before the two of you zoom together to the nearest club

You walk into the club staring at the crowd.

"This sound be fun." You say before the two of you get started

20 minutes later, you sit next to Kai who just finished of a brunette as you finished off a blonde boy.

"He was tasty." You say as you let the body fall to the ground with the others

You wipe the small amount of blood of your face.

"I'm bored." says Kai as he lets his meal fall to the fall

"Me too. Let's get out of here." You say taking Kai's hand zooming the two of you the club

"Your lucky I had an extra day light ring." You say as the two of you sit on top of a building

"I could have just made myself one." shrugs Kai

"So how was the prison world?" You ask as you lean your head on Kai's shoulder

Kai smiles at the contact.

"Lonely. I was alone for years before the Bennett Witch and her friend showed up." says Kai

"I wish I could have gotten you out, but I couldn't find anything. I tried thousands of witches but none of them could figure it out." You say sighing

"It's not your fault. You tried at least. That's more than anyone else did." says Kai shrugging

"I really missed you Kai." You say

"Y/N." says Kai causing you to look up at him

Kai hesitates for a second before he leans down closer to your face. You lean slightly to where your foreheads are touching. The two of you look into each others eyes before Kai finally captures your lips in his.

"I've waiting to do that since before I got sent to the prison world." says Kai smiling largely

You chuckle at the boy before you lean up and press another kiss to his sweet lips.


I never know what to say here😬

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