Kol Mikaelson X Liam Dunbar

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Meet Y/N Dunbar,  Liam Dunbar's older sister, an inspiring photographer. You stood in the French Quarter of New Orleans holding your camera in your hands as you look around in awe. You talked your parents into letting you stay in New Orleans for a little by yourself before you start college. Liam wasn't very happy about it since he hates not being with his sister mainly because he is worried you'll get hurt. You smile as a carriage pulled by a horse comes by. You quickly get into position and take a picture of the carriage. You smile largely as you see the picture is not blurring at all and actually almost perfect.

All it needs is some editing now. You think as you look at it

Kol Mikaelson storms out of his brother's palace as he called it. He still in stuck in some witches body. So his hair is all curly.

My brothers are absolute shit. Thinks Kol after Klaus had angered him

As he storms out, he accidentally runs into some girl. He swiftly wraps his arms around the y/h/c  haired girl so she doesn't fall. Kol looks down and almost gasps at how pretty the y/e/c eyed girl is.

"Sorry, my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going." says Kol as he helps you stand up straight before he lets go of your waist

"It's okay. Nothing bad happened, it's fine." You say just relieved you didn't drop your camera

"I'm Kol, Kol Mikaelson." Kol says smiling putting on the charm as he holds his hand out for you

You softly smile as you shake his hand.

"Y/N Dunbar." You say

"Are you visiting?" Kol asks

"Yeah, I'm from Beacon Hills, California." You say tucking some hair behind your left ear

"How about I show you around?" asks Kol holding his arm out for you

"Sure." You say smiling as you gladly take his arm

Kol then starts taking you around New Orleans showing you the best spots in town.

Skip to a few weeks later, Kol and you are sitting in a coffee shop in town. Kol and you are now dating and things are going really really well. Kol sits there nervous for what he is about to tell. He swiftly takes your hand in his as he looks into your eyes.

"I have something to tell you." Kol says nervously

"Okay..." you say curiously

"I....I'm a witch." says Kol

"Okay...then show me a magic trick." You say interested

Of course you knew about the supernatural your brother being a werewolf and all but still, Kol would be some crazy guy who just thought he was a witch. Sure you guys were dating but you didn't know everyone thing about the supposed witch.

Kol nods before he uses a spell that makes her coffee levitate cussing you to look at it in awe. Your eyes sparkling with interest before he moves the coffee back down.

"That was awesome. I knew about werewolves but I didn't know witches existed-" you start

"Wait.....you know about the supernatural?" Kol questions sort of shocked

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