Bye World-Theo Raeken

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Scott and the rest of the pack including Theo Raeken stand in the middle of an abandoned building after being on the run from Monroe.

"We can't take them down ourselves. We need to find others." says Scott

"I think we are going to need something more powerful than a werewolf or werecoyote." says Derek

"Wh-" starts Theo but it cut off the entrance door being flung open

In steps a y/h/c haired girl with a knife buried in her shoulder. Everyone's eye widen at the sight of the girl except for Theo because he has no clue who she is.

Who's that? She's hot. Thinks Theo as the girl pulls the knife out of her shoulder

"What are you doing here?" questions Scott pulling his claws out and that's when Theo's curiosity peaks

Why does he seemed threaten by such a harmless looking girl? Thinks Theo as you take a step towards them

"Because I just had a hunter storm into my house and then put a knife in my shoulder. Then I got wind about a new army of hunters. Knowing Beacon Hills and I knew you guys either started it or caused it." You answer crossing your arms over your chest

"I though we could help each other out." You add

"We don't need your help." seethes out Scott

"Yes, we do." butts in both Derek and Theo

"No, we don't." says Scott showing his alpha eyes

"I think you do." You say right before a armed hunter waltz in

Your throw the knife and it stabs him right in the throat killing him. He drops to the ground with a thud.

"So what's the plan?" You question with a quirk brow as everyone stares at you

"That was awesome." breathes out Theo as he stares at you in amazement which earns a giggle from you

"So what are you?" asks Theo as he eyes you up later in the underground bunker Argent was letting the pack hide in

You let out a sigh at this.

"I'm a spirit." You replied showing off your ghostly white eyes

Theo stares at your eyes in shock for a second. He has never heard met an spirit before.

"How-how did you get your powers? And are you visible and everything?" asks Theo making you sigh

"It's a long story." You reply not really wanting to share it with the chimera

"We have plenty of time to spare." says Theo really curious to know

You let out a loud sigh before you jump into the story.

You were one of the only Hale's to make it out of the fire. You lived but you died a little later. You were walking home one night tired from the all studying you had to do for your finals. You were looking down at your phone when you hear a noise. Your head snapped up and before you can do anything someone slashed your throat out.

    Later that night Derek got a knock on his door. Being the sour wolf he is, he opened it with a frown. When a certain smell hits him. Derek looks down to see you. Your throat was slashed out and your body was covered in scratches. Tears instantly form in the man's eyes as he bends down. He knew instantly who did the Alpha Pack. Derek couldn't handle your death. He had lost almost everyone and now he had lost you. The only person he truly cares about he needed you back.

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